Quick, Easy, and Even Fun!
1. Smile, say "Hi! How are you doing today?"
2. Regularly invite someone to join you for coffee.
3. Send them flowers, chocolate, a bunch of balloons.
4. Provide a group lunch---pizza, six-foot sub, barbecue.
5. Write someone a thank-you note and put a copy in his/her file.
6. Hand out coupons for an extra 30 minutes for lunch.
7. Make a donation to their favorite charity in their name.
8. Give out tickets to a movie/play/cultural/sporting event.
9. Celebrate achievements with bulletin boards, videos, E-mail.
10. Catch and recognize someone doing something right, not wrong.
11. Write a letter of appreciation to their family.
12. Bake a batch of cookies for someone or for the team.
13. Give limited time off, with pay, when things are slow.
14. Bring a camera to work, get candid shots and post on a humor board.
15. Go to the movies. During lunch or breaks, run a funny movie or TV show.
16. Ask about their interests, family, or weekend activities.
17. Send a company T-shirt or hat to the employee's child(ren).
18. Walk around with free lunch coupons. Hand out on the spot.
19. Recognize special accomplishments publicly in meetings or celebrations.
20. Hand out life savers, M&M's, tootsie roll pops, or other appreciation snacks.
21. Get candid shots of people doing good work. Post photos on bulletin boards.
22. Take out an advertisement in a local paper and include their names and pictures.
23. Allow flexible work time so they can participate in outside work-related activities.
24. Have special days. Hold an "ugly tie" or "ugly sweater" day. Award joke prizes for the winners.
25. Give them a surprise for their work area---a desk organizer, a picture or poster, a new mouse pad.
Communication and Involvement
26. Listen 80% of the time and talk 20%.
27. Actively make a point to speak to all staff each day.
28. Ask them, "What am I doing that gets in your way?"
29. Ask them, "What can I do to help you with your job?"
30. Give information to staff after management meetings.
31. Let them attend a meeting in your place.
32. Sponsor membership in a professional group.
33. Give a subscription to a work-related periodical.
34. Let them "sit-in" with an upper level person for part of a day.
35. Rotate jobs so people can gain new skills and get cross-trained.
36. Arrange for the boss to acknowledge good work.
37. Go to your staff's work area. Meet them on their turf.
38. Promote individual / team training with time and budget.
39. Provide quarterly updates on relevant business and customer issues.
40. Allow them to exchange positions with someone else in the company for a half-day.
41. Ask staff what rumors they have heard, and address them.
42. Represent reality as it is---people don't like being fooled or surprised.
43. Involve them in a special project that allows for company exposure and visibility.
44. Ask for their opinions and listen. Many times they have a better "take" of the situation.
45. Get into the "trenches" with your staff. Learn about their jobs-- the good's and the bad's.
46. Ask staff, "What's not working, why is it not working and what can be done to fix it?"
47. Ask staff, "What is making our clients/customers the most and/or the least satisfied."
48. Have a suggestion system - rewards for ideas that actually reduced costs or improved processes.
49. Make them feel part of the team. Help them to move from "It's not my job," to "Let's do it."
50. Finally, provide more appreciative feedback - good stuff coming more often than the bad stuff.
Pick and choose the ones that "fit" your people, your company and your budget. Remember what is one person's carrot is another's "yucky" orange vegtable.
Marcia Zidle, the 'people smarts' coach, works with business leaders to quickly solve their people management headaches so they can concentrate on their #1 job ญ to grow and increase profits. She offers free help through Leadership Briefing, a weekly e-newsletter with practical tips on leadership style, employee motivation, recruitment and retention and relationship management. Subscribe by going to
http://leadershiphooks.com/ and get the bonus report "61 Leadership Time Savers and Life Savers". Marcia is the author of the What Really Works Handbooks ญ resources for managers on the front line and the Power-by-the-Hour programs ญ fast, convenient, real life, affordable courses for leadership and staff development. She is available for media interviews, conference presentations and panel discussions on the hottest issues affecting the workplace today. Contact Marcia at 800-971-7619.
Marketing and Advertising Techniques of Super Bowl Advertisers
Each year, advertisers with super sized budgets sink millions of dollars into Super Bowl advertising. While most of us do not have a large enough budget to advertise on the Super Bowl, the commercials -- both past and present -- demonstrate several marketing techniques we can apply elsewhere.
Here are some lessons for us all, as demonstrated by Super Bowl advertisers:
Make Advertisements Entertaining
The primary focus of Super Bowl advertisements is usually entertainment. After the fact, discussion and analysis revolve around how amusing or interesting the commercials were. Little or no mention, however, is made of how effective they were in advertising the product.
I love an entertaining commercial as well as the next person, but entertainment value can be a two-edged sword. Sometimes, the creators get so caught up in the entertainment aspect they forget the ultimate goal -- to sell more product.
To me, the advertisers guiltiest of forgetting to sell are those that give no branding clue until the very end. People come away thinking how cute, funny, or otherwise entertaining the advertisement, but with little or no idea of the actual product.
There are, however, ways to entertain while communicating your brand throughout the commercial. Remember the frogs -- Bud, Weis, and Er? Total entertainment, yet who didn't know it was a Budweiser commercial?
You can do the same with your own marketing. Whatever form of entertainment you choose -- games, performances, contests, etc. -- remember to simultaneously reinforce your brand or business. A couple of ideas: (1) display your logo prominently and (2) give premiums, coupons, or other discounts to participants.
Gain Celebrity Endorsements
Celebrity endorsements are frequent in Super Bowl advertisements. Past and present endorsements include Coke's Mean Joe Green (1980), McDonald's Larry Bird and Michael Jordan (1993), and MasterCard's Homer Simpson (2004).
Celebrity endorsements are a way to draw initial attention to a product or company, which creates an opportunity to deliver the marketing message. If the celebrity is highly regarded by your target audience, endorsements can also give credibility to a brand.
If you do not have a large enough budget to hire a national celebrity, try redefining "celebrity" by thinking in niche terms. Your "celebrity" could be someone well known in the industry -- one of your customers or suppliers, for example.
Another way to redefine "celebrity" is to think locally. Brainstorm a list of people who are well known locally in certain circles. Your list could include well-regarded business people, minor league sports personalities, and other high-profile citizens. Then, approach your favorites with a proposal. The key is hiring someone known and respected by your target customers.
Demonstrate an Important Product Benefit or Feature
My favorite Super Bowl commercial of all time is the 1998 Tabasco commercial. The commercial shows a man sitting, eating pizza on his front porch. Before each bite he splashes on a liberal dose of Tabasco. A mosquito flies in, bites the guy on the hand, and flies off. A second later, we see the mosquito explode in a mass of flames. Cut to the guy chewing and smiling, Tabasco bottle clearly displayed on screen.
Besides being incredibly entertaining, the commercial demonstrates the product's primary benefit in a way that is simple and straightforward. All the while, very clearly communicating the brand.
There are many ways to demonstrate an important product feature to your audience. Think of other commercials you've seen and adapt the technique to your own budget and situation.
Detergent commercials, for example, often show how the product removes stains better than the competition. You can set up your own comparison and communicate it through print ads, on a Website, or in a retail store.
Target The Audience
Have you noticed an abundance of fast car, junk food, and beverage commercials during the Super Bowl? A major reason for this is targeting. Smart marketers try to get their products seen in places where their target audience hangs out.
It is not too much of a stretch to imagine that folks attracted to testosterone-laden football may also like speedy cars. And if you watch football, you most certainly like to snack during the game. Hence, we see an abundance of junk food, beer, and soda commercials.
When putting together your own marketing programs, try to imagine where your target audience can be found and think of ways you can be seen in those venues. If you are a Virtual Assistant, for example, participating online in small business groups makes much more sense than being seen in sports groups.
Associate Your Brand with a Mascot or Symbol
My favorite commercial from this year's Super Bowl was the donkey that wanted to be a Budweiser Clydesdale. I must confess the Clydesdales are near and dear to my heart (I live less than a mile from Grant's Farm where they breed and raise the Budweiser Clydesdales). I'm pretty sure, though, I'd love this commercial anyway.
Besides telling a cute, heartwarming story, the entire commercial reinforces the connection between the Clydesdales and Budweiser beer. It's a connection that Anheuser Busch has worked hard to establish and maintain over the years. Today, I'm sure most people immediately think "Budweiser" when catching a glimpse of the famous Clydesdales.
So you don't have billions of dollars and decades of time to invest in a mascot? Think smaller.
How about hiring a freelance illustrator or art student to develop a character, then begin using that character at key points of contact with your audience. To name a few, you could use your "mascot" in a logo, on postcards, on your Website, and/or on store signage.
Take these techniques to heart, apply them diligently, and watch your business grow.
About the Author
Bobette Kyle draws upon 12+ years of Marketing/Executive experience, Marketing MBA, and online marketing research in her writing. Bobette is proprietor of the Web Site Marketing Plan Network, http://www.WebSiteMarketingPlan.com, and author of the marketing plan and Web promotion book "How Much For Just the Spider? Strategic Website Marketing For Small Budget Business." ( HowMuchForSpider.com/TOC.htm )
Copyright 2004, Bobette Kyle. All rights reserved.
Here are some lessons for us all, as demonstrated by Super Bowl advertisers:
Make Advertisements Entertaining
The primary focus of Super Bowl advertisements is usually entertainment. After the fact, discussion and analysis revolve around how amusing or interesting the commercials were. Little or no mention, however, is made of how effective they were in advertising the product.
I love an entertaining commercial as well as the next person, but entertainment value can be a two-edged sword. Sometimes, the creators get so caught up in the entertainment aspect they forget the ultimate goal -- to sell more product.
To me, the advertisers guiltiest of forgetting to sell are those that give no branding clue until the very end. People come away thinking how cute, funny, or otherwise entertaining the advertisement, but with little or no idea of the actual product.
There are, however, ways to entertain while communicating your brand throughout the commercial. Remember the frogs -- Bud, Weis, and Er? Total entertainment, yet who didn't know it was a Budweiser commercial?
You can do the same with your own marketing. Whatever form of entertainment you choose -- games, performances, contests, etc. -- remember to simultaneously reinforce your brand or business. A couple of ideas: (1) display your logo prominently and (2) give premiums, coupons, or other discounts to participants.
Gain Celebrity Endorsements
Celebrity endorsements are frequent in Super Bowl advertisements. Past and present endorsements include Coke's Mean Joe Green (1980), McDonald's Larry Bird and Michael Jordan (1993), and MasterCard's Homer Simpson (2004).
Celebrity endorsements are a way to draw initial attention to a product or company, which creates an opportunity to deliver the marketing message. If the celebrity is highly regarded by your target audience, endorsements can also give credibility to a brand.
If you do not have a large enough budget to hire a national celebrity, try redefining "celebrity" by thinking in niche terms. Your "celebrity" could be someone well known in the industry -- one of your customers or suppliers, for example.
Another way to redefine "celebrity" is to think locally. Brainstorm a list of people who are well known locally in certain circles. Your list could include well-regarded business people, minor league sports personalities, and other high-profile citizens. Then, approach your favorites with a proposal. The key is hiring someone known and respected by your target customers.
Demonstrate an Important Product Benefit or Feature
My favorite Super Bowl commercial of all time is the 1998 Tabasco commercial. The commercial shows a man sitting, eating pizza on his front porch. Before each bite he splashes on a liberal dose of Tabasco. A mosquito flies in, bites the guy on the hand, and flies off. A second later, we see the mosquito explode in a mass of flames. Cut to the guy chewing and smiling, Tabasco bottle clearly displayed on screen.
Besides being incredibly entertaining, the commercial demonstrates the product's primary benefit in a way that is simple and straightforward. All the while, very clearly communicating the brand.
There are many ways to demonstrate an important product feature to your audience. Think of other commercials you've seen and adapt the technique to your own budget and situation.
Detergent commercials, for example, often show how the product removes stains better than the competition. You can set up your own comparison and communicate it through print ads, on a Website, or in a retail store.
Target The Audience
Have you noticed an abundance of fast car, junk food, and beverage commercials during the Super Bowl? A major reason for this is targeting. Smart marketers try to get their products seen in places where their target audience hangs out.
It is not too much of a stretch to imagine that folks attracted to testosterone-laden football may also like speedy cars. And if you watch football, you most certainly like to snack during the game. Hence, we see an abundance of junk food, beer, and soda commercials.
When putting together your own marketing programs, try to imagine where your target audience can be found and think of ways you can be seen in those venues. If you are a Virtual Assistant, for example, participating online in small business groups makes much more sense than being seen in sports groups.
Associate Your Brand with a Mascot or Symbol
My favorite commercial from this year's Super Bowl was the donkey that wanted to be a Budweiser Clydesdale. I must confess the Clydesdales are near and dear to my heart (I live less than a mile from Grant's Farm where they breed and raise the Budweiser Clydesdales). I'm pretty sure, though, I'd love this commercial anyway.
Besides telling a cute, heartwarming story, the entire commercial reinforces the connection between the Clydesdales and Budweiser beer. It's a connection that Anheuser Busch has worked hard to establish and maintain over the years. Today, I'm sure most people immediately think "Budweiser" when catching a glimpse of the famous Clydesdales.
So you don't have billions of dollars and decades of time to invest in a mascot? Think smaller.
How about hiring a freelance illustrator or art student to develop a character, then begin using that character at key points of contact with your audience. To name a few, you could use your "mascot" in a logo, on postcards, on your Website, and/or on store signage.
Take these techniques to heart, apply them diligently, and watch your business grow.
About the Author
Bobette Kyle draws upon 12+ years of Marketing/Executive experience, Marketing MBA, and online marketing research in her writing. Bobette is proprietor of the Web Site Marketing Plan Network, http://www.WebSiteMarketingPlan.com, and author of the marketing plan and Web promotion book "How Much For Just the Spider? Strategic Website Marketing For Small Budget Business." ( HowMuchForSpider.com/TOC.htm )
Copyright 2004, Bobette Kyle. All rights reserved.
September, 2003 -- Ski Dazzleยฎ The Chicago Ski Show and Snowboard Expโข is celebrating its 45th year as the Mid-West's largest annual ski and snowboard consumer show. This high profile and exciting fourโ"day โlifestyle eventโ attracts more than 38,000 active and enthusiastic skiers and snowboarders to the Rosemont Convention Complex & The Donald E. Stephens Convention Center.
From professional singles and families, through high school and college students, this show is positioned to be THE annual kick-off of the winter ski & snowboard season in the Chicagoland area.
Ski Dazzleยฎ features over 250 exhibit booth spaces showcasing the core companies of skiing and snowboarding, including reps from over 100 local, national and international winter resorts. There will be ski & snowboard retailers offering โshow specialsโ, seminars and clinics and a $1,000,000.00 Ski & Snowboard Sale with holiday shopping bargains for all ages.
In addition, multiple entertainment areas and daily events include continuous free ski lessons on the giant Learn to Ski ramp; an Xtreme Film Theater featuring the hottest young ski & snowboard movie producers, a floor to ceiling Climbing Wall presented by the Daily Herald, Search & Rescue Dog Demonstrations, a Free Cross Country Course and equipment to try, plus a Seminar and Celebrity Stage where valuable free prizes, lift tickets and trips can be won, and a personal appearance by legendary filmmaker Warren Miller who will be at the show all four days.
Over 250 exhibitors from the โWorld of Skiing & Snowboardingโ await visitors to Ski Dazzleยฎ 2003. Topping the list, resort and travel experts offer money-saving packages and travel bargains for singles and families including reps from over 100 of the top ski and snowboard resorts, properties and services in the U.S.A., Canada and Europe.
Travel & Resorts exhibitors include: Adventures on Skis, Lynx Ski & Golf, Afton Alps, Alpine Valley, Aspen, Snowmass, BC Ski Country- Canada, Big Mountain Resort, Big Sky Lodging, Big Sky Resort, Big Snow Country, Camp Sagawau Nordic, Cascade Mountain, Chestnut Mountain Resort, Christmas Mountain, Colorado Ski Country USA, Crested Butte, Crystal Mountain, Devil's Head Resort, Four Lakes Ski & Snowboard Park, Jackson Hole Chamber of Commerce, Jackson Hole Mt. Resort, Mount Bohemia, JacksonHoleVacation.net, Keweenaw Tourism Council, Killington Ski Resort, Mont Ripley Ski Area and Mont Ste. Anne.
Ski and Snowboard resort experts from Mt. Rose โ" Lake Tahoe, Norway Mountain, Pine Mountain, Premier Destinations, Quebec Tourism, Red Mountain Resort BC, Resort Quest, Resorts of the Canadian Rockies, Shanty Creek, Ski Alaska, Ski Banff-Lake Louise, Ski Brule, Ski Lake Tahoe, Ski New Mexico, Ski Salt Lake, Ski The UP, Ski Utah, Smugglers Notch Resort, Steamboat, Stowe Mountain, Sundown Mountain, Sunshine Village, Swiss Valley Ski Area, Telluride Ski & Golf Co, The Canyons, Tyrol Basin, Vail Resorts, Valdoro Mountain Lodge, Vermont Ski Association, Villa Olivia Ski Area, Welch Village Ski Area, Whistler & Blackcomb Mountain Resort, Wilmot Mountain, Winter Park Resort, Grand Geneva and the Wisconsin Department of Tourismโฆat last count!
Ski Dazzleยฎ offers visitors their only chance this season to speak directly to so many experts from top ski and snowboard resorts and all under one roof.
Visit the Million-Dollar Ski and Snowboard Sale and Swap, for outstanding pre-Christmas values on all kinds of ski and snowboard equipment and clothing for adults and children. You'll find top quality new and used equipment, fashions and accessories from Midwest specialty ski and snowboard shops. In addition, you'll find super bargains on everything else for sale ... all priced to move and just in time for Holiday shopping! This is a great place to outfit an individual or an entire family at great savings on name brands.
Plus, Chicagoland residents are even invited to bring their good condition used ski and snowboard equipment and place it in the โUsed Equipment Areaโ in the Sale. Public Registration of used equipment is located just inside the Rosemont Convention Complex at the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center entrance. There will be a 15% charge ONLY if your item is actually sold at the Million-Dollar Ski and Snowboard Sale and Swap. Complete registration details will be posted online through a special link on The โStuff To Buyโ page at www.skidazzle.com/chicago
In addition specialty ski and snowboard retailers bring a selection of current season equipment and clothing, plus the greatest advice to help you make your equipment selection for the safest and most enjoyable winter, ever!
It's all under one roof at Ski Dazzleยฎ, so come meet the experts from, Viking Ski Shop, RQ Board Shop, Shred Shack and Zumiez to name a few. They are here to give you expert advice and one-stop shopping convenience for new season merchandise and holiday โShow Specialsโ.
Visitors to the show have a FREE chance to try their hand (and feet!) on the Daily Herald's 20 foot high rock climbing wall right on the show floor! Offered as another pre-season fitness and conditioning discipline that is also great fun, professionally trained instructors from 3N1 Productions will be on hand to make the climb safe and easy for children, as well as, adults. This is a great โphoto opโ so bring your friends, your family and your cameras
XTREME FILM THEATERโข will be hosted by Ski Press Magazine. They will be presenting White Knuckle Extreme Action Sports Videos featuring some of the hottest ski and snowboarding films and previews available. Non-stop action from producers like Warren Miller, Matchstick, Poor Boyz, Exodus, Standard, Jib Tech and more!
Ski Press Magazine will give away DVD's, Videos and Prizes to lucky winners every two hours. If you have to take some of this wild action home, full-length movies and DVDs on Skiing, Snowboarding and Extreme Sports of all kinds will be available for purchase from White Knuckle Extreme - Sports Videos.
The Ski Dazzleยฎ Fireside Chatโข seminar series will be hosted by Ski Dazzleยฎ Co-Producer, Judy Gray and will feature visiting celebrities and experts. These informal seminars offer tips on winter travel bargains, new technology in skiing and snowboarding equipment, backcountry helicopter & adventure tours and even winter photography.
Special guest, award winning filmmaker Warren Miller, will join us for a series of Fireside Chats. Don't miss this chance to meet an incredible legend of skiing who will share humorous stories of his 50 plus years of entertaining skiers and snowboarders around the world.
Ski Press Magazine will be sending two members of their 2003-2004 Ski Equipment Test & Editorial Staff to help answer questions about the latest evaluations of equipment. Marc-Andre Nadeau โ" Director of the Test Program, and Former Canadian Demo Team Member and 7-year member of the Test Team, Isabelle Sauvauge will share their extensive knowledge at daily seminars.
You can count on ski & snowboard Factory Reps and surprise celebrity guests to stop by the show for a visit. The Fireside Chatโข has featured World & Olympic Champions, Entertainment, Political, and Sports Celebrities.
This is also where we give away thousands of dollars of prizes, including lift tickets, accessories, brand new skis and snowboards, just for audience participation! The Fireside Chatโข is a great chance for attendees to get straight answers about their sport in a relaxed and informal setting at the showโฆAND win incredible prizes!
Schedules and content will be different every day, so check at the show for program updates or log on to the โEventsโ page at www.skidazzle.com/Chicago for up-to-the-minute guest and topic line-up information.
Warren Miller is an expert surfer, sailor of catamarans, ski instructor, author, columnist, humorist, entertainer and all-around nice guy. Warren Miller is famous for bringing the sport of skiing to the big screen. He writes with wit and keen insight about skiing, filmmaking and traveling. โWarren Miller is a combination of Jean-Claude Killy, Robert Redford, Ingmar Bergman, and Woody Allenโ says the Los Angeles Times.
He purchased his first still camera at the age of nine, for thirty-five cents, which started a career that will continue well into the next century. In junior high school wood shop, in 1938, he built his first surfboard and that same year he purchased a pair of pine skis with toe straps in a garage sale in Hollywood for two dollars. His roller skates, bicycle, surfboard, and skis allowed him a freedom that has fueled his life-long search and filming of exciting activities, sharing with the world his vision of freedom.
Though he went on to make films on numerous subjects, his name eventually became synonymous with extreme skiing, snow boarding, and windsurfing. The films were chiefly distinguished by their feats of athleticism, their creative camera shots, and of course, the famed Miller humor. For a half-century, the Miller films have introduced audiences to every new aspect of every winter and nearly every summer sport played without a court and without a score -- activities people do on weekends.
Looking back on his long career, Miller remains true to character. "I'm a 14 year-old kid", he reflects, "trapped in a 73 year-old body, and I still don't know what I'm going to do when I grow up."
Warren will be available for photos and autographs of his posters, books and movies at the Warren Miller booth and will also be a featured guest at the Fireside Chat Seminars during Ski Dazzleยฎ.
Our Ski Dazzleยฎ Snow Dog mascot is a remarkable nine-year old, pure white male German Shepherd, named "Sequoia". He โcarries a badgeโ and is looking to rescue any skier or snowboarder in distress. This amazing animal is a K9 member of the California Rescue Dogs Association and Canadian Avalanche Rescue Dogs Association and has been trained to locate lost or missing people in challenging terrain and conditions.
In his job, Sequoia rides the chairlifts and is often air-lifted to remote areas by helicopter. He is then lowered and raised by harness in and out of dangerous areas to search for lost hikers, snowboarders and skiers. In his โoff hoursโ Sequoia enjoys racing down the ski runs in California following his owner, playing with the kids and adults during Ski School breaks and as a member of the Ski Patrol, joyriding in helicopters and snowcats.
Rick Strasser, who is Sequoia's owner and handler, is a Firefighter and Paramedic for the Barstow Fire Department in Southern California and has been a member of various emergency and rescue services for over twenty years. Strasser, and Sequoia have been instrumental in the safe rescue of hundreds of careless or unlucky hikers, winter sport enthusiasts, lost childrenโฆ and adults.
Sequoia and Rick will be on hand at Ski Dazzleยฎ 2003 to personally meet attendees and together they will demonstrate how these canine โwonder dogsโ safeguard our lives and quickly capture our hearts. Come meet these local heroes during their personal appearances and daily demonstrations at our Fireside Chatโข Seminar Stage exclusively at Ski Dazzleยฎ โ" The Chicago Ski Show and Snowboard Expoโข.
Ski Dazzle will be giving free ski lessons on a Giant indoor ski school ramp right at the show! Bring a beginner to the show and professional instructors will give them their first lesson on โthe hillโ! This is a great way to put a friend or family member on the road to skiing. These free ski ramp lessons include all the necessary equipment and professional instruction.
In addition, Camp Sagawau Nordic will have a custom XC course set up and will provide all equipment, giving FREE XC lessons to all ages and abilities, right at the show. They will also be awarding prizes of 2 for 1 lift passes and use of equipment.
$15,000.00 of prizes have been donated from Snow Industry Equipment Reps, Ski Dazzleยฎ Exhibitors and Resorts. These will be awarded in hourly event drawings for free lift tickets, free skis, free snowboards, trips and accessories offering lots of ways to win and will add to the fun throughout the four days of Ski Dazzleยฎ 2003.
You can save time and avoid lines at the show. Buy your Regular Admission tickets or Children's tickets on-line at www.skidazzle.com/Chicago and print them right from your own computer with our secure on-line ordering software.
Ski Dazzleยฎ 2003, at the Rosemont Convention Center Complex is the most important ski or snowboard trip you will make this season. It's all under one roof, at the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center and features the latest winter travel bargains plus expert advice you can't get anywhere else.
There will be ski and snowboard experts from equipment to resorts; ski and snowboard celebrities; money-saving tips; loads of family entertainment; plus holiday bargains galore from the $1,000,000.00 Ski and Snowboard Saleโฆit's no wonder Ski Dazzleยฎ 2003 - The Chicago Ski Show and Snowboard Expoโข is called, โA Party with A Purposeโขโ by both exhibitors and attendees alike.
Updates and details, including a new โon-line ticketing optionโ, show hours, Ski Dazzleยฎ exhibitor list and hot links, features, seminar schedules, celebrities, driving directions and entertainment schedules, are available on the Internet at www.skidazzle.com/Chicago.
Copyright 2003 โ" Ski Dazzle LLC
Ski Dazzleยฎ and The Chicago Ski Show & Snowboard Expoโข are registered trademarks of Ski Dazzle LLC
All schedules, appearances, times and events are subject to change but were confirmed
at the time of printing this news release.
Ski Dazzleยฎ 2003 โข The Chicago Ski Show & Snowboard Expoโข
45th Anniversary of The Mid-West's Largest Consumer Ski & Snowboard Show
Rosemont Convention Complex
Donald E. Stephens Convention Center
5555 N. River Road
(Near Junction of the I-294 & I-190)
Adjacent to O'Hare International Airport.
Rosemont, Illinois 60018
(847) 692-2222 Info Line
4 DAYS ONLY! November 06 - 09, 2003
Nov. 06
4:00 pm
- 10:00 pm
Nov. 07
4:00 pm
- 10:00 pm
Nov. 08
11:00 am - 10:00 pm
Nov. 09
11:00 am - 5:00 pm
$ 8.00
$ 6.00
Discount Coupons available from participating Ski & Snowboard Shops while supplies last.
$ 3.00
Children 6 โ" 12 years
Children 5 and Under
Secure Server with On-Line Ticketing & Printing right from your computer
For updates on Ski Dazzleยฎ events, driving directions and exhibitor hot links.
From professional singles and families, through high school and college students, this show is positioned to be THE annual kick-off of the winter ski & snowboard season in the Chicagoland area.
Ski Dazzleยฎ features over 250 exhibit booth spaces showcasing the core companies of skiing and snowboarding, including reps from over 100 local, national and international winter resorts. There will be ski & snowboard retailers offering โshow specialsโ, seminars and clinics and a $1,000,000.00 Ski & Snowboard Sale with holiday shopping bargains for all ages.
In addition, multiple entertainment areas and daily events include continuous free ski lessons on the giant Learn to Ski ramp; an Xtreme Film Theater featuring the hottest young ski & snowboard movie producers, a floor to ceiling Climbing Wall presented by the Daily Herald, Search & Rescue Dog Demonstrations, a Free Cross Country Course and equipment to try, plus a Seminar and Celebrity Stage where valuable free prizes, lift tickets and trips can be won, and a personal appearance by legendary filmmaker Warren Miller who will be at the show all four days.
Over 250 exhibitors from the โWorld of Skiing & Snowboardingโ await visitors to Ski Dazzleยฎ 2003. Topping the list, resort and travel experts offer money-saving packages and travel bargains for singles and families including reps from over 100 of the top ski and snowboard resorts, properties and services in the U.S.A., Canada and Europe.
Travel & Resorts exhibitors include: Adventures on Skis, Lynx Ski & Golf, Afton Alps, Alpine Valley, Aspen, Snowmass, BC Ski Country- Canada, Big Mountain Resort, Big Sky Lodging, Big Sky Resort, Big Snow Country, Camp Sagawau Nordic, Cascade Mountain, Chestnut Mountain Resort, Christmas Mountain, Colorado Ski Country USA, Crested Butte, Crystal Mountain, Devil's Head Resort, Four Lakes Ski & Snowboard Park, Jackson Hole Chamber of Commerce, Jackson Hole Mt. Resort, Mount Bohemia, JacksonHoleVacation.net, Keweenaw Tourism Council, Killington Ski Resort, Mont Ripley Ski Area and Mont Ste. Anne.
Ski and Snowboard resort experts from Mt. Rose โ" Lake Tahoe, Norway Mountain, Pine Mountain, Premier Destinations, Quebec Tourism, Red Mountain Resort BC, Resort Quest, Resorts of the Canadian Rockies, Shanty Creek, Ski Alaska, Ski Banff-Lake Louise, Ski Brule, Ski Lake Tahoe, Ski New Mexico, Ski Salt Lake, Ski The UP, Ski Utah, Smugglers Notch Resort, Steamboat, Stowe Mountain, Sundown Mountain, Sunshine Village, Swiss Valley Ski Area, Telluride Ski & Golf Co, The Canyons, Tyrol Basin, Vail Resorts, Valdoro Mountain Lodge, Vermont Ski Association, Villa Olivia Ski Area, Welch Village Ski Area, Whistler & Blackcomb Mountain Resort, Wilmot Mountain, Winter Park Resort, Grand Geneva and the Wisconsin Department of Tourismโฆat last count!
Ski Dazzleยฎ offers visitors their only chance this season to speak directly to so many experts from top ski and snowboard resorts and all under one roof.
Visit the Million-Dollar Ski and Snowboard Sale and Swap, for outstanding pre-Christmas values on all kinds of ski and snowboard equipment and clothing for adults and children. You'll find top quality new and used equipment, fashions and accessories from Midwest specialty ski and snowboard shops. In addition, you'll find super bargains on everything else for sale ... all priced to move and just in time for Holiday shopping! This is a great place to outfit an individual or an entire family at great savings on name brands.
Plus, Chicagoland residents are even invited to bring their good condition used ski and snowboard equipment and place it in the โUsed Equipment Areaโ in the Sale. Public Registration of used equipment is located just inside the Rosemont Convention Complex at the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center entrance. There will be a 15% charge ONLY if your item is actually sold at the Million-Dollar Ski and Snowboard Sale and Swap. Complete registration details will be posted online through a special link on The โStuff To Buyโ page at www.skidazzle.com/chicago
In addition specialty ski and snowboard retailers bring a selection of current season equipment and clothing, plus the greatest advice to help you make your equipment selection for the safest and most enjoyable winter, ever!
It's all under one roof at Ski Dazzleยฎ, so come meet the experts from, Viking Ski Shop, RQ Board Shop, Shred Shack and Zumiez to name a few. They are here to give you expert advice and one-stop shopping convenience for new season merchandise and holiday โShow Specialsโ.
Visitors to the show have a FREE chance to try their hand (and feet!) on the Daily Herald's 20 foot high rock climbing wall right on the show floor! Offered as another pre-season fitness and conditioning discipline that is also great fun, professionally trained instructors from 3N1 Productions will be on hand to make the climb safe and easy for children, as well as, adults. This is a great โphoto opโ so bring your friends, your family and your cameras
XTREME FILM THEATERโข will be hosted by Ski Press Magazine. They will be presenting White Knuckle Extreme Action Sports Videos featuring some of the hottest ski and snowboarding films and previews available. Non-stop action from producers like Warren Miller, Matchstick, Poor Boyz, Exodus, Standard, Jib Tech and more!
Ski Press Magazine will give away DVD's, Videos and Prizes to lucky winners every two hours. If you have to take some of this wild action home, full-length movies and DVDs on Skiing, Snowboarding and Extreme Sports of all kinds will be available for purchase from White Knuckle Extreme - Sports Videos.
The Ski Dazzleยฎ Fireside Chatโข seminar series will be hosted by Ski Dazzleยฎ Co-Producer, Judy Gray and will feature visiting celebrities and experts. These informal seminars offer tips on winter travel bargains, new technology in skiing and snowboarding equipment, backcountry helicopter & adventure tours and even winter photography.
Special guest, award winning filmmaker Warren Miller, will join us for a series of Fireside Chats. Don't miss this chance to meet an incredible legend of skiing who will share humorous stories of his 50 plus years of entertaining skiers and snowboarders around the world.
Ski Press Magazine will be sending two members of their 2003-2004 Ski Equipment Test & Editorial Staff to help answer questions about the latest evaluations of equipment. Marc-Andre Nadeau โ" Director of the Test Program, and Former Canadian Demo Team Member and 7-year member of the Test Team, Isabelle Sauvauge will share their extensive knowledge at daily seminars.
You can count on ski & snowboard Factory Reps and surprise celebrity guests to stop by the show for a visit. The Fireside Chatโข has featured World & Olympic Champions, Entertainment, Political, and Sports Celebrities.
This is also where we give away thousands of dollars of prizes, including lift tickets, accessories, brand new skis and snowboards, just for audience participation! The Fireside Chatโข is a great chance for attendees to get straight answers about their sport in a relaxed and informal setting at the showโฆAND win incredible prizes!
Schedules and content will be different every day, so check at the show for program updates or log on to the โEventsโ page at www.skidazzle.com/Chicago for up-to-the-minute guest and topic line-up information.
Warren Miller is an expert surfer, sailor of catamarans, ski instructor, author, columnist, humorist, entertainer and all-around nice guy. Warren Miller is famous for bringing the sport of skiing to the big screen. He writes with wit and keen insight about skiing, filmmaking and traveling. โWarren Miller is a combination of Jean-Claude Killy, Robert Redford, Ingmar Bergman, and Woody Allenโ says the Los Angeles Times.
He purchased his first still camera at the age of nine, for thirty-five cents, which started a career that will continue well into the next century. In junior high school wood shop, in 1938, he built his first surfboard and that same year he purchased a pair of pine skis with toe straps in a garage sale in Hollywood for two dollars. His roller skates, bicycle, surfboard, and skis allowed him a freedom that has fueled his life-long search and filming of exciting activities, sharing with the world his vision of freedom.
Though he went on to make films on numerous subjects, his name eventually became synonymous with extreme skiing, snow boarding, and windsurfing. The films were chiefly distinguished by their feats of athleticism, their creative camera shots, and of course, the famed Miller humor. For a half-century, the Miller films have introduced audiences to every new aspect of every winter and nearly every summer sport played without a court and without a score -- activities people do on weekends.
Looking back on his long career, Miller remains true to character. "I'm a 14 year-old kid", he reflects, "trapped in a 73 year-old body, and I still don't know what I'm going to do when I grow up."
Warren will be available for photos and autographs of his posters, books and movies at the Warren Miller booth and will also be a featured guest at the Fireside Chat Seminars during Ski Dazzleยฎ.
Our Ski Dazzleยฎ Snow Dog mascot is a remarkable nine-year old, pure white male German Shepherd, named "Sequoia". He โcarries a badgeโ and is looking to rescue any skier or snowboarder in distress. This amazing animal is a K9 member of the California Rescue Dogs Association and Canadian Avalanche Rescue Dogs Association and has been trained to locate lost or missing people in challenging terrain and conditions.
In his job, Sequoia rides the chairlifts and is often air-lifted to remote areas by helicopter. He is then lowered and raised by harness in and out of dangerous areas to search for lost hikers, snowboarders and skiers. In his โoff hoursโ Sequoia enjoys racing down the ski runs in California following his owner, playing with the kids and adults during Ski School breaks and as a member of the Ski Patrol, joyriding in helicopters and snowcats.
Rick Strasser, who is Sequoia's owner and handler, is a Firefighter and Paramedic for the Barstow Fire Department in Southern California and has been a member of various emergency and rescue services for over twenty years. Strasser, and Sequoia have been instrumental in the safe rescue of hundreds of careless or unlucky hikers, winter sport enthusiasts, lost childrenโฆ and adults.
Sequoia and Rick will be on hand at Ski Dazzleยฎ 2003 to personally meet attendees and together they will demonstrate how these canine โwonder dogsโ safeguard our lives and quickly capture our hearts. Come meet these local heroes during their personal appearances and daily demonstrations at our Fireside Chatโข Seminar Stage exclusively at Ski Dazzleยฎ โ" The Chicago Ski Show and Snowboard Expoโข.
Ski Dazzle will be giving free ski lessons on a Giant indoor ski school ramp right at the show! Bring a beginner to the show and professional instructors will give them their first lesson on โthe hillโ! This is a great way to put a friend or family member on the road to skiing. These free ski ramp lessons include all the necessary equipment and professional instruction.
In addition, Camp Sagawau Nordic will have a custom XC course set up and will provide all equipment, giving FREE XC lessons to all ages and abilities, right at the show. They will also be awarding prizes of 2 for 1 lift passes and use of equipment.
$15,000.00 of prizes have been donated from Snow Industry Equipment Reps, Ski Dazzleยฎ Exhibitors and Resorts. These will be awarded in hourly event drawings for free lift tickets, free skis, free snowboards, trips and accessories offering lots of ways to win and will add to the fun throughout the four days of Ski Dazzleยฎ 2003.
You can save time and avoid lines at the show. Buy your Regular Admission tickets or Children's tickets on-line at www.skidazzle.com/Chicago and print them right from your own computer with our secure on-line ordering software.
Ski Dazzleยฎ 2003, at the Rosemont Convention Center Complex is the most important ski or snowboard trip you will make this season. It's all under one roof, at the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center and features the latest winter travel bargains plus expert advice you can't get anywhere else.
There will be ski and snowboard experts from equipment to resorts; ski and snowboard celebrities; money-saving tips; loads of family entertainment; plus holiday bargains galore from the $1,000,000.00 Ski and Snowboard Saleโฆit's no wonder Ski Dazzleยฎ 2003 - The Chicago Ski Show and Snowboard Expoโข is called, โA Party with A Purposeโขโ by both exhibitors and attendees alike.
Updates and details, including a new โon-line ticketing optionโ, show hours, Ski Dazzleยฎ exhibitor list and hot links, features, seminar schedules, celebrities, driving directions and entertainment schedules, are available on the Internet at www.skidazzle.com/Chicago.
Copyright 2003 โ" Ski Dazzle LLC
Ski Dazzleยฎ and The Chicago Ski Show & Snowboard Expoโข are registered trademarks of Ski Dazzle LLC
All schedules, appearances, times and events are subject to change but were confirmed
at the time of printing this news release.
Ski Dazzleยฎ 2003 โข The Chicago Ski Show & Snowboard Expoโข
45th Anniversary of The Mid-West's Largest Consumer Ski & Snowboard Show
Rosemont Convention Complex
Donald E. Stephens Convention Center
5555 N. River Road
(Near Junction of the I-294 & I-190)
Adjacent to O'Hare International Airport.
Rosemont, Illinois 60018
(847) 692-2222 Info Line
4 DAYS ONLY! November 06 - 09, 2003
Nov. 06
4:00 pm
- 10:00 pm
Nov. 07
4:00 pm
- 10:00 pm
Nov. 08
11:00 am - 10:00 pm
Nov. 09
11:00 am - 5:00 pm
$ 8.00
$ 6.00
Discount Coupons available from participating Ski & Snowboard Shops while supplies last.
$ 3.00
Children 6 โ" 12 years
Children 5 and Under
Secure Server with On-Line Ticketing & Printing right from your computer
For updates on Ski Dazzleยฎ events, driving directions and exhibitor hot links.
Anniversary Gift for Him
Its time for that special day and you're trying and failing to come up with an idea for an anniversary gift for him. What do you do? You can't give him another cologne set and he's all ready got too many ties, besides all the sport equipment he needs for decades to come. Take a breather. This year indeed seems to be destined to provide a unique anniversary gift for your man.
Think for a few minutes about him. He must have mentioned an interest in something that struck in that past two or three months or perhaps he's got something minor that has been bothering him. Does he stand all day on the job? You could make up special coupons to give him foot massages when he gets home feeling sore from work. Be sure to throw in some fragrant lotions to rub in while your at it. Guys like to be pampered they just don't want to admit it.
He may have an interest in reading. Does he have any favorite authors? You could get a signed copy of one of his favorite titles or if he likes older books you could go to a specialty shop and get an old edition of something like Jules Vernes, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.
Sports fanatics may all ready have all the sports equipment that they need and may even have season tickets to several venues, but there is always something that they don't have or haven't thought of. Is there a way you could get a signed photo of one of his favorite players? You may have to start looking months in advance for this one. The best place to start would be sending a fan letter requesting a signed photo or baseball/basketball/etc. Card of the player. You should make it as easy as possible for the signer, by sending the photo or card and an SASE with the address and stamps all ready on it. If you don't get a response or have a reply in the negative you can start looking around online or in sports shops, this may cost more money and carries a risk of buying something that is fake. Be sure to check that the signature comes with some sort of documentation, such as a photo or an expert's appraisal in this case.
Mrs. Party... Gail Leino is the internet's leading authority on selecting the best possible party supplies, using proper etiquette and manners while also teaching organizational skills and fun facts. Engraved Anniversary Gifts can help fulfill your idea of a perfect present for your spouse.
Think for a few minutes about him. He must have mentioned an interest in something that struck in that past two or three months or perhaps he's got something minor that has been bothering him. Does he stand all day on the job? You could make up special coupons to give him foot massages when he gets home feeling sore from work. Be sure to throw in some fragrant lotions to rub in while your at it. Guys like to be pampered they just don't want to admit it.
He may have an interest in reading. Does he have any favorite authors? You could get a signed copy of one of his favorite titles or if he likes older books you could go to a specialty shop and get an old edition of something like Jules Vernes, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.
Sports fanatics may all ready have all the sports equipment that they need and may even have season tickets to several venues, but there is always something that they don't have or haven't thought of. Is there a way you could get a signed photo of one of his favorite players? You may have to start looking months in advance for this one. The best place to start would be sending a fan letter requesting a signed photo or baseball/basketball/etc. Card of the player. You should make it as easy as possible for the signer, by sending the photo or card and an SASE with the address and stamps all ready on it. If you don't get a response or have a reply in the negative you can start looking around online or in sports shops, this may cost more money and carries a risk of buying something that is fake. Be sure to check that the signature comes with some sort of documentation, such as a photo or an expert's appraisal in this case.
Mrs. Party... Gail Leino is the internet's leading authority on selecting the best possible party supplies, using proper etiquette and manners while also teaching organizational skills and fun facts. Engraved Anniversary Gifts can help fulfill your idea of a perfect present for your spouse.
Shopping For Bargains with Mindseye Element
March 6, 2004--Shopping-Bargains had two major objectives in engaging Mindseye for their re-launch. The first was to enhance and enrich the user experience and the second was to streamline the process of updating the site.
โOur experience with Mindseye has been very positive. Their "can-do attitude" coupled with nationally recognized technical expertise and artistic talent made them the right choice for our redesign project. We were not disappointed.โ says Mike Allen Advertising & Sales Manager for Shopping-Bargains.com.
To enrich the user experience, Mindseye's creative team worked closely with Shopping-Bargains to create a look and feel for their site that would reflect the quality of their coupon code offerings as well as their family-friendly focus.
To ease the process of creating and updating content, Mindseye implemented the new site in their content management product, Mindseye Element. Instead of having to hand-edit every change and update to the site, content creators can simply submit additions and changes via simple forms and have their changes immediately reflected on the site.
By moving from a static site to a content managed site, Mindseye's team was able to take a modular approach to the site content, allowing site visitors to Shopping-Bargains.com more ways to browse coupon codes than would be possible within a static site. This allows visitors to browse in ways that make sense to them and thus significantly enhances the user experience.
Mindseye Element--Content Management Solution
Mindseye Element is an extensible, open-framework, database-driven content management solution, which allows content creators to publish and schedule content such as articles, products, and press releases on their website without touching a single line of HTML. Because of Element's object-oriented approach to content management, related pieces of content can be linked together, allowing for easy cross-selling, targeted information delivery, and reuse of content site-wide.
For Shopping-Bargains content editors, these features mean that they are easily able to update the website with the latest deals and savings from over 500 online stores. With browser-based "anywhere authoring", the Shopping-Bargains content team can update their site anywhere there is an internet connection and can make changes via simple forms, eliminating the need for a specialized web team.
For more details on Mindseye Element please call Mindseye sales team on (617) 350 0339 ext.15 or email sales@mindseye.com
About Mindseye
Mindseye is an industry leader in developing Web-based solutions and Premier Macromedia Partner. The key to Mindseye's success is its ability to combine technical (integration and transactional) expertise, usability-based design and rich application development. Founded in 1996 and driven by its "life through a browser"tm vision for development, the Boston-based company has grown organically by servicing the web development and design needs for companies such as FootJoy, FAO Schwarz, Macromedia Corporation, Reebok Corporation, DuPont, Cabot Corporation, The Aspen Skiing Company and The Boys and Girls Club of Boston.
We are a leading developer for a range of products and technologies, including: Microsoft's ASP and .Net, Macromedia Flash MX, ColdFusion MX and Flash Communication Server. Our solutions include: Flash MX-based Rich Internet Applications, Business-to-Consumer sites, Business-to-Business sites, E-Commerce sites, Extranets, Intranets, Banners, Campaigns, and Multimedia Presentations.
Mindseye is available on the Web at http://www.mindseye.com/
About Shopping Bargains
Shopping-Bargains.com, LLC is a leading Internet shopping destination that helps online consumers and businesses pay less for goods and services. A key feature of Shopping-Bargains.com is the searchable database of more than 500 nationally known stores along with applicable coupons and online-only savings opportunities.
Through special online coupon codes, sales and savings links for both traditional and Internet-only stores and service-providers, Shopping-Bargains provides online consumers with a convenient and effective way to save money on virtually anything. Dozens of departments including clothing, computers, business services, travel, financial services, sporting goods, electronics, gifts, health, beauty, home, garden and flowers are represented.
Established in 1999 and based in Starkville, Mississippi, Shopping-Bargains is a free service for shoppers and can be found online at http://www.shoppingbargains.com To enhance user safety and security, Shopping-Bargains is committed to listing only reputable and secure family-friendly stores with proven customer service track records.
โOur experience with Mindseye has been very positive. Their "can-do attitude" coupled with nationally recognized technical expertise and artistic talent made them the right choice for our redesign project. We were not disappointed.โ says Mike Allen Advertising & Sales Manager for Shopping-Bargains.com.
To enrich the user experience, Mindseye's creative team worked closely with Shopping-Bargains to create a look and feel for their site that would reflect the quality of their coupon code offerings as well as their family-friendly focus.
To ease the process of creating and updating content, Mindseye implemented the new site in their content management product, Mindseye Element. Instead of having to hand-edit every change and update to the site, content creators can simply submit additions and changes via simple forms and have their changes immediately reflected on the site.
By moving from a static site to a content managed site, Mindseye's team was able to take a modular approach to the site content, allowing site visitors to Shopping-Bargains.com more ways to browse coupon codes than would be possible within a static site. This allows visitors to browse in ways that make sense to them and thus significantly enhances the user experience.
Mindseye Element--Content Management Solution
Mindseye Element is an extensible, open-framework, database-driven content management solution, which allows content creators to publish and schedule content such as articles, products, and press releases on their website without touching a single line of HTML. Because of Element's object-oriented approach to content management, related pieces of content can be linked together, allowing for easy cross-selling, targeted information delivery, and reuse of content site-wide.
For Shopping-Bargains content editors, these features mean that they are easily able to update the website with the latest deals and savings from over 500 online stores. With browser-based "anywhere authoring", the Shopping-Bargains content team can update their site anywhere there is an internet connection and can make changes via simple forms, eliminating the need for a specialized web team.
For more details on Mindseye Element please call Mindseye sales team on (617) 350 0339 ext.15 or email sales@mindseye.com
About Mindseye
Mindseye is an industry leader in developing Web-based solutions and Premier Macromedia Partner. The key to Mindseye's success is its ability to combine technical (integration and transactional) expertise, usability-based design and rich application development. Founded in 1996 and driven by its "life through a browser"tm vision for development, the Boston-based company has grown organically by servicing the web development and design needs for companies such as FootJoy, FAO Schwarz, Macromedia Corporation, Reebok Corporation, DuPont, Cabot Corporation, The Aspen Skiing Company and The Boys and Girls Club of Boston.
We are a leading developer for a range of products and technologies, including: Microsoft's ASP and .Net, Macromedia Flash MX, ColdFusion MX and Flash Communication Server. Our solutions include: Flash MX-based Rich Internet Applications, Business-to-Consumer sites, Business-to-Business sites, E-Commerce sites, Extranets, Intranets, Banners, Campaigns, and Multimedia Presentations.
Mindseye is available on the Web at http://www.mindseye.com/
About Shopping Bargains
Shopping-Bargains.com, LLC is a leading Internet shopping destination that helps online consumers and businesses pay less for goods and services. A key feature of Shopping-Bargains.com is the searchable database of more than 500 nationally known stores along with applicable coupons and online-only savings opportunities.
Through special online coupon codes, sales and savings links for both traditional and Internet-only stores and service-providers, Shopping-Bargains provides online consumers with a convenient and effective way to save money on virtually anything. Dozens of departments including clothing, computers, business services, travel, financial services, sporting goods, electronics, gifts, health, beauty, home, garden and flowers are represented.
Established in 1999 and based in Starkville, Mississippi, Shopping-Bargains is a free service for shoppers and can be found online at http://www.shoppingbargains.com To enhance user safety and security, Shopping-Bargains is committed to listing only reputable and secure family-friendly stores with proven customer service track records.
Have You Finally Decided To Shift From Cable Tv To Direct Tv ?
Choosing a Satellite TV Provider? Congratulations on making one of the smartest decisions ever that guarantees enhanced television viewing pleasures for you and your family. Now, there is just one more decision you need to make choosing a Satellite TV Provider -Direct Tv- that takes you one step closer to enjoying non stop, digital quality television.
Picking out a Satellite TV provider is definitely not as difficult as it may sound for the simple fact that there are just a few Industry leaders in the market today who are known for their commitment to providing quality entertainment to viewers across the globe.
Who's the Best?
DIRECTV is known as America's No 1 Satellite TV Service provider offering quality entertainment to over 15 million customers (homes and businesses).
Benefits that DIRECTV offers - DIRECTV knows how to take care of its customers' needs. To this affect, DIRECTV passes on the following benefits to its valued customers
- Programming Options: With access to over 250 channels and many programming packages to choose from, DIRECTV provides the ultimate choice in Television entertainment. You can choose from among Base Packages, Premium Packages, Pay per View, Music, Sports and Local Channels. All packages also include local channels.
- 100% Digital Picture & Sound Quality: Perhaps the biggest attraction of Satellite TV, DIRECTV delivers picture perfect, digital quality transmission and surround sound effect for all its channels. What's more, bad weather hardly ever interrupts DIRECTV picture transmission. So whether it's cloudy, raining or sunny outside, you get to enjoy your Satellite TV just the same way!
- Free, Hassle-free Installation: The authorized Preferred Online Retailers like Expert Satellite meet DIRECTV's high customer satisfaction standards by providing timely services to its customers. This includes free equipment installation by well trained and professional installers. The DIRECTV equipment consists of a satellite dish, a digital set-top receiver and a remote control. With the DIRECTV receiver, customers can access over 250 digital-quality channels at the press of a button. The on-screen program guide helps you choose your dose of entertainment. The available parental controls make it easy to safeguard what your children watch on TV.
- High Definition Programming: DIRECT TV provides over 900 hours of HD programming every week. With the DIRECTV HD DVR, customers can not only enjoy digital quality entertainment, they can also digitally record shows, pause and rewind live TV etc.
- International Programming: DIRECT TV successfully binds and brings together different regions of the world through its International Language programming options that include Spanish, Chinese, Italian, and Korean etc.
- Sports Coverage: From International Sports to local games, DIRECTV knows how to treat a sports fan. With DIRECTV programming, Fans can watch their favourite games in picture perfect digital quality in the comforts of their own living room. The unbeatable picture quality feels like they're watching it live!
Picking out a Satellite TV provider is definitely not as difficult as it may sound for the simple fact that there are just a few Industry leaders in the market today who are known for their commitment to providing quality entertainment to viewers across the globe.
Who's the Best?
DIRECTV is known as America's No 1 Satellite TV Service provider offering quality entertainment to over 15 million customers (homes and businesses).
Benefits that DIRECTV offers - DIRECTV knows how to take care of its customers' needs. To this affect, DIRECTV passes on the following benefits to its valued customers
- Programming Options: With access to over 250 channels and many programming packages to choose from, DIRECTV provides the ultimate choice in Television entertainment. You can choose from among Base Packages, Premium Packages, Pay per View, Music, Sports and Local Channels. All packages also include local channels.
- 100% Digital Picture & Sound Quality: Perhaps the biggest attraction of Satellite TV, DIRECTV delivers picture perfect, digital quality transmission and surround sound effect for all its channels. What's more, bad weather hardly ever interrupts DIRECTV picture transmission. So whether it's cloudy, raining or sunny outside, you get to enjoy your Satellite TV just the same way!
- Free, Hassle-free Installation: The authorized Preferred Online Retailers like Expert Satellite meet DIRECTV's high customer satisfaction standards by providing timely services to its customers. This includes free equipment installation by well trained and professional installers. The DIRECTV equipment consists of a satellite dish, a digital set-top receiver and a remote control. With the DIRECTV receiver, customers can access over 250 digital-quality channels at the press of a button. The on-screen program guide helps you choose your dose of entertainment. The available parental controls make it easy to safeguard what your children watch on TV.
- High Definition Programming: DIRECT TV provides over 900 hours of HD programming every week. With the DIRECTV HD DVR, customers can not only enjoy digital quality entertainment, they can also digitally record shows, pause and rewind live TV etc.
- International Programming: DIRECT TV successfully binds and brings together different regions of the world through its International Language programming options that include Spanish, Chinese, Italian, and Korean etc.
- Sports Coverage: From International Sports to local games, DIRECTV knows how to treat a sports fan. With DIRECTV programming, Fans can watch their favourite games in picture perfect digital quality in the comforts of their own living room. The unbeatable picture quality feels like they're watching it live!
Create Ad Layouts That Get Response Rates That Will Blow Your Mind
How important is the layout of a print ad? Well, considering that most small businesses spend the majority of their marketing budget on display ads (aka print ads), the layout is critical. This is especially important because display ads almost never bring the anticipated and much needed results desired by business owners and marketers. There are many "industry secrets" you need to know to get the response you need to make a profit from a display ad.
What does that mean to you? It means if you are going to run an ad in newspapers, magazines, event programs, or anywhere else, you want to know how to maximize your opportunity and investment by designing the ad for maximum response. You also need to know how to place an ad for maximum response.
The following tips will prove VERY valuable to you...
ALWAYS use a dark black thick border around your ad. It will draw the reader's eye to your ad without the expense of two colors and without paying for larger ads
Whenever possible, on the outside of the thick dark black border, use dashed lines like those typically seen around coupons. At the psychological level, this border implies a value or savings in your display ad.
And speaking of coupons, use a coupon or other direct offer (free special report, free consultation, etc.) in every display ad; this is active, direct marketing - USE IT EVERY TIME!
DON'T LET THE PUBLICATION'S STAFF DESIGN YOUR DISPLAY AD OR WRITE YOUR COPY! Typically they have sales people do this work -- and let's face it, they are sales people, not Brilliant Marketers. Use the ad layout you create in this course.
Commit to running the ad a MINIMUM of seven times - in the same place... and don't change it up much. That is the most effective way to get the maximum number of new customers and return on your investment. IF YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO RUN THE DISPLAY AD SEVEN TIMES... DON'T RUN IT AT ALL... use your marketing dollars on other activities.
Although larger ads statistically pull better response rates, if you design your display ad as recommended in this lesson, you can get the higher response rates using the smaller, less expensive ads
Run your ads on the days you are open and/or the days that will target your market; for example, Wednesdays are typically the day food is featured, Monday is sports, and Fridays are entertainment focused
Every ad should contain your benefits and features, a coupon or other direct call to action (yes, I know I am repeating that - but it is important), borders (same), contact information, a map or major crossroads, your URL, headlines, testimonials, picture or graphic (if space allows), and rapport messages
INSIST that you ad is placed in the front section of the newspaper on the right-hand side, on the top half; for the same money this statistically pulls a higher response
Do not use ALL CAPS in your ad; they are hard to read. If you absolutely have - and I mean just have to - use them, do so sparingly
Ads with people in them typically pull a higher readership rate; photographs are statistically more effective than drawings or clipart graphics and photographs of babies pull the absolute highest readership rates
Okay - there you have it... a good number of really valuable tips to immediately improve your response rates when using print (display) ads.
Alex Barrington, author of Brilliant Marketing! specializes in providing micro-businesses and start-ups the most practical, valuable marketing information available. To maximize this opportunity for all, Alex has created The Brilliant Marketing! System; to get a copy of the free ebook by the same title, click into http://www.brilliant-marketing-for-small-business.com/brilliant-marketing-free-download.html
What does that mean to you? It means if you are going to run an ad in newspapers, magazines, event programs, or anywhere else, you want to know how to maximize your opportunity and investment by designing the ad for maximum response. You also need to know how to place an ad for maximum response.
The following tips will prove VERY valuable to you...
ALWAYS use a dark black thick border around your ad. It will draw the reader's eye to your ad without the expense of two colors and without paying for larger ads
Whenever possible, on the outside of the thick dark black border, use dashed lines like those typically seen around coupons. At the psychological level, this border implies a value or savings in your display ad.
And speaking of coupons, use a coupon or other direct offer (free special report, free consultation, etc.) in every display ad; this is active, direct marketing - USE IT EVERY TIME!
DON'T LET THE PUBLICATION'S STAFF DESIGN YOUR DISPLAY AD OR WRITE YOUR COPY! Typically they have sales people do this work -- and let's face it, they are sales people, not Brilliant Marketers. Use the ad layout you create in this course.
Commit to running the ad a MINIMUM of seven times - in the same place... and don't change it up much. That is the most effective way to get the maximum number of new customers and return on your investment. IF YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO RUN THE DISPLAY AD SEVEN TIMES... DON'T RUN IT AT ALL... use your marketing dollars on other activities.
Although larger ads statistically pull better response rates, if you design your display ad as recommended in this lesson, you can get the higher response rates using the smaller, less expensive ads
Run your ads on the days you are open and/or the days that will target your market; for example, Wednesdays are typically the day food is featured, Monday is sports, and Fridays are entertainment focused
Every ad should contain your benefits and features, a coupon or other direct call to action (yes, I know I am repeating that - but it is important), borders (same), contact information, a map or major crossroads, your URL, headlines, testimonials, picture or graphic (if space allows), and rapport messages
INSIST that you ad is placed in the front section of the newspaper on the right-hand side, on the top half; for the same money this statistically pulls a higher response
Do not use ALL CAPS in your ad; they are hard to read. If you absolutely have - and I mean just have to - use them, do so sparingly
Ads with people in them typically pull a higher readership rate; photographs are statistically more effective than drawings or clipart graphics and photographs of babies pull the absolute highest readership rates
Okay - there you have it... a good number of really valuable tips to immediately improve your response rates when using print (display) ads.
Alex Barrington, author of Brilliant Marketing! specializes in providing micro-businesses and start-ups the most practical, valuable marketing information available. To maximize this opportunity for all, Alex has created The Brilliant Marketing! System; to get a copy of the free ebook by the same title, click into http://www.brilliant-marketing-for-small-business.com/brilliant-marketing-free-download.html
Shopping Online? Here Are Some Ways To Save!
Probably everyone by now has at least heard about eBay or Amazon, right? These companies are still capturing the majority of the e-commerce market among other sites such as Walmart.com and for you technology buffs, Buy.com, Circuitcity.com and Bestbuy.com. All of these sites of course generate large revenues in online retail.
E-tailers: Shopping Comparisons Sites like Shopzilla.com, Pricegrabber.com and Consumerclub.com actually will give you the best deal by comparing the prices of major retailers like Sports Authority, Target, Macys, Barnes & Noble and JC Penny. A major goal of Consumerclub.com of is to offer consumers the best deals and make the shopping experience easy. Instead of spending the time of researching every site for the best deals, try one of these online comparison sites. They will do all the work for you and find you the best deal.
Take Advantage on Shipping Deals Most of the major online retailers offer discounted shipping or even free shipping if you buy a certain product or spend a certain amount of money. Also, after Thanksgiving heading into the holidays, many online retailers will offer free shipping and giftwrap services.
Check Coupon Sites Check sites like Valpak.com, Coolsavings.com and Eversave.com. These sites offer all kinds of discounts to major retailers. Coolsavings.com offers up to 30 percent off on groceries and travel. You can even print out coupons and drive to the retailer to purchase merchandise. These sites also offer freebies and free samples of products that are not on the market yet.
Try Overstock.com Overstock.com is an online retailer that has partnerships with many brand-name companies. Their relationships with these companies allow them to purchase product at huge discounts. Overstock.com takes advantage of the products that the major manufacturers overestimate for their yearly sales. Overstock.com buys those products at below wholesale price. Also, Overstock.com takes advantage of stores that are moving or downsizing. If this is the case, these products that the stores don't want will be sold to Overstock.com also at a below wholesale rate. Then they pass their discounts to the consumers. The site claims it can save you up to 80 percent every day, which is true after looking at a deal for iPod/mp3 speakers normally listed at $59.99, selling for $12.95, which is a savings of 78 percent. .
Is Online Shopping Now Safer? The answer to the question is yes. It is now safer to shop online. According to an article on AllBusiness.com, e-commerce is actually much more secure than real-world commerce. When you leave your credit card receipt on a restaurant table or give your credit card number to a telephone operator, you're accepting the risk that things you didn't order might appear on next month's bill. Yet when you enter a credit card number on a reputable e-commerce site, you're sending it over a secure connection to a server that's accessible only to authorized personnel and protected against even the most determined intruders. Just make sure you shop with a reputable company that verifies that payment button is encrypted. Many sites will have padlock emblems verifying this. Pay Pal, which is a payment system made most popular from eBay, has state-of-the-art encryption that protects your information from cyber thieves. You don't have 100 percent protection while shopping online, but your odds are not as great being a victim of identity theft as you are lead to believe.
Copyright 2006 Debt Management Credit Counseling Corp.
Pete Glocker is employed in the Education and Charitable Services Department at Debt Management Credit Counseling Corp. ("DMCC"), a 501c(3) non-profit charitable organization located in Boca Raton, Florida. Pete graduated from Florida Atlantic University with a BA in Multimedia Journalism and is an experienced web producer for Tribune Interactive products Sun-Sentinel.com and SouthFlorida.com. DMCC provides free financial education, personal budget counseling, and debt management plans to consumers across the United States. Debt management plans offered by DMCC help consumers relieve the stress of excessive debt by reducing credit card interest rates, consolidating and lowering monthly payments, and stopping collection calls and late fees. DMCC financial counselors can be reached for free education materials, budget counseling and debt management plan quotes by calling 866-618-DEBT or by visiting http://www.dmcccorp.org . Pete Glocker can be reached by email to pete@dmcccorp.org.
E-tailers: Shopping Comparisons Sites like Shopzilla.com, Pricegrabber.com and Consumerclub.com actually will give you the best deal by comparing the prices of major retailers like Sports Authority, Target, Macys, Barnes & Noble and JC Penny. A major goal of Consumerclub.com of is to offer consumers the best deals and make the shopping experience easy. Instead of spending the time of researching every site for the best deals, try one of these online comparison sites. They will do all the work for you and find you the best deal.
Take Advantage on Shipping Deals Most of the major online retailers offer discounted shipping or even free shipping if you buy a certain product or spend a certain amount of money. Also, after Thanksgiving heading into the holidays, many online retailers will offer free shipping and giftwrap services.
Check Coupon Sites Check sites like Valpak.com, Coolsavings.com and Eversave.com. These sites offer all kinds of discounts to major retailers. Coolsavings.com offers up to 30 percent off on groceries and travel. You can even print out coupons and drive to the retailer to purchase merchandise. These sites also offer freebies and free samples of products that are not on the market yet.
Try Overstock.com Overstock.com is an online retailer that has partnerships with many brand-name companies. Their relationships with these companies allow them to purchase product at huge discounts. Overstock.com takes advantage of the products that the major manufacturers overestimate for their yearly sales. Overstock.com buys those products at below wholesale price. Also, Overstock.com takes advantage of stores that are moving or downsizing. If this is the case, these products that the stores don't want will be sold to Overstock.com also at a below wholesale rate. Then they pass their discounts to the consumers. The site claims it can save you up to 80 percent every day, which is true after looking at a deal for iPod/mp3 speakers normally listed at $59.99, selling for $12.95, which is a savings of 78 percent. .
Is Online Shopping Now Safer? The answer to the question is yes. It is now safer to shop online. According to an article on AllBusiness.com, e-commerce is actually much more secure than real-world commerce. When you leave your credit card receipt on a restaurant table or give your credit card number to a telephone operator, you're accepting the risk that things you didn't order might appear on next month's bill. Yet when you enter a credit card number on a reputable e-commerce site, you're sending it over a secure connection to a server that's accessible only to authorized personnel and protected against even the most determined intruders. Just make sure you shop with a reputable company that verifies that payment button is encrypted. Many sites will have padlock emblems verifying this. Pay Pal, which is a payment system made most popular from eBay, has state-of-the-art encryption that protects your information from cyber thieves. You don't have 100 percent protection while shopping online, but your odds are not as great being a victim of identity theft as you are lead to believe.
Copyright 2006 Debt Management Credit Counseling Corp.
Pete Glocker is employed in the Education and Charitable Services Department at Debt Management Credit Counseling Corp. ("DMCC"), a 501c(3) non-profit charitable organization located in Boca Raton, Florida. Pete graduated from Florida Atlantic University with a BA in Multimedia Journalism and is an experienced web producer for Tribune Interactive products Sun-Sentinel.com and SouthFlorida.com. DMCC provides free financial education, personal budget counseling, and debt management plans to consumers across the United States. Debt management plans offered by DMCC help consumers relieve the stress of excessive debt by reducing credit card interest rates, consolidating and lowering monthly payments, and stopping collection calls and late fees. DMCC financial counselors can be reached for free education materials, budget counseling and debt management plan quotes by calling 866-618-DEBT or by visiting http://www.dmcccorp.org . Pete Glocker can be reached by email to pete@dmcccorp.org.
Promoting a Sports and Recreation Club
Sports and recreation clubs provide recreational and physical fitness needs of a community. Indoor club facilities commonly include adult pools, children’s pools, basketball courts, squash courts, and tennis courts. Outdoor facilities can include basketball courts and tennis courts. Sports and recreational clubs also commonly offer regular sports lessons with an authorized instructor. Generally; these lessons are given twice or thrice a week, individually or in group classes. Classes are offered in beginner, intermediate, or advanced levels. The classes commence with a group or individual championship for all students. Each student is awarded a certificate of completion at the end of the tournament. Promoting a sports and recreation club can be challenging due to limited resources and other commercial sports facilities. An affordable but effective alternative to expensive advertising is the use of printed marketing materials. Examples of these printed marketing materials include:Brochures â€" Brochures are mobile, easy to distribute marketing or informational materials for a sports and recreational club. Potential customers commonly look for informational brochures on sport club services and offers. Brochures can carry information such as business hours, services offered, payment schemes, a list of instructors, and a list of facilities. This information is communicated to the customer with photo images. Bulk printing of brochures is usually offered at discounted rates by commercial printing services. Pocket Folders â€" Pocket folders are easy to carry, promotional materials for a sports and recreational club. The folders commonly come in standard 9x12 inch sizes with or without pockets. Pocket folders can also carry a variety of other printed marketing materials such as sales cards, business stationery, bookmarks, postcards, and brochures. Business cards of instructors and managers can also be inserted in slots found on the pockets. These folders can be convenient materials for first-time students. Apart from being promotional materials, the folders can include class schedules, sports tips, discount coupons, or special giveaways. Pocket folders can easily be designed and printed using online printing services and professional digital printers.Posters â€" Poster printing is a high-impact promotional tool for a sports and recreation club. Business owners can print posters featuring dynamic graphic designs and catchy advertising campaigns. Posters prints can be used to decorate the interior of a sports and recreational club, reinforcing brand recognition and possible referral rates. Customized posters can also be conveniently printed using online printing services. Business owners are free to upload their personalized poster designs onto a website and choose from standard or customized sizes, finishes, and paper stock.
Nikki Sabato is a writer with a background in landscape architecture and design. She currently works in the field of marketing and design communication.
I Love You, You Love Me
Why is it that every time I go to the grocery store I get in line behind this rather large woman with four small kids and two buggies of groceries and a clenched fistful of coupons? And why is it that half of the things she's buying require a price check? This happens to me all the time and I swear it's always the same woman. I just thank God that the grocery store had the foresight to put all the tabloids there for me to read while I'm waiting. I guess I should thank that woman, too. If it wasn't for her I'd have no idea what was happening in the world.
Take the other day, for example. There I was, standing in line like always, waiting for the bag boy to get a price on the woman's six pack of SlimFast. I scanned the tabloid headlines before me, looking for something interesting to read. The one about Elvis showing up at a Detroit McDonald's demanding to know why in hell they did away with the Arch Deluxe did not peak my interest in the least. The story about Pamela Anderson Lee's left breast melting in the hot sun during the shooting of a Baywatch episode just made me yawn. And the story about Ellen DeGeneres dating RuPaul just made me nauseous. Why can't these people just make up their minds?
Then, the headline across the front of the National Excretioner caught my eye: FEATHERS FLY AS COSTUMED CELEBS GO TO WAR! THE DIRTY DETAILS INSIDE!
As luck would have it, the rather large woman finished checking out and I had to move along before getting to read the story for free. Generally, I have a rule about wasting my hard-earned dollar on trash, but this was trash I had to have. I had to read the dirty details!
What was the Excretioner headline talking about? Why, the feud between Barney the Dinosaur (hereafter referred to as "plaintiff") and The Famous San Diego Chicken (hereafter referred to as "defendant") of course. These two high energy, high profile celebs are going at each other like constipated pitbulls on crack, slinging mud and styrofoam, calling names, making threats. This is the kind of story tabloid editors live for. This is a movie of the week in the making. This is a Court TV special with a gallery filled with Muppets!
According to the Excretioner, lawyers for Barney (a dinosaur so popular he needs only one name) have filed a copyright and trademark infringement suit against The Famous Chicken for "ridiculing and assaulting a Barney-like character during performances at sporting events across the country."
"In his act, The Chicken punches, flips, stands on and otherwise assaults a putative Barney," an attorney representing Barney reportedly said. "That's just not nice." The suit further claims that The Chicken's antics have caused irreparable damage to Barney's wholesome image, effectively making him the Marv Albert of the Jurassic set.
"Barney worries that his younger fans will be unable to distinguish between the fake Barney that The Chicken assaults during his act and the real thing," the attorney went on to say. "This could be emotionally devastating to them."
The real thing? Emotionally devastating? I just hope the little rugrats never find out Barney is really just some sweaty guy in a big, purple suit. It could mean years of therapy!
Ken Fitzgerald, legal counsel for The Famous Chicken, said his client's act is just a parody and the Great Purple One doesn't have a prehistoric leg to stand on. "This is clearly a case of costume envy. I've got two words for Barney: fossil fuel."
When asked to comment, the eternally jovial Barney just giggled and waved an underdeveloped arm through the air. "This is just a little misunderstanding between friends. I love The Chicken. In fact, if he were here right now, I'd give him a great, big hug and say, I love you!"
In a related case, Don Knotts, the actor who played Deputy Sheriff Barney Fife on The Andy Griffith Show, is contemplating legal action of his own. "I am the original Barney," Knotts has told reporters. "If one more kid asks me to sing that stupid 'I Love You' song I'm gonna scream!"
I'll keep you posted as things develop in the case. In the meantime, if you happen to be at the grocery store and you see a rather large woman with four small kids and two buggies of groceries and a clenched fistful of coupons, you tell her Tim Knox says hi.
From "Small Business Q&A" With Tim Knox Tim Knox is a nationally-known entrepreneur, author, speaker, and radio show host. Tim has helped hundreds of entrepreneurs realize their business dreams. To learn more please visit http://www.timknox.com
Take the other day, for example. There I was, standing in line like always, waiting for the bag boy to get a price on the woman's six pack of SlimFast. I scanned the tabloid headlines before me, looking for something interesting to read. The one about Elvis showing up at a Detroit McDonald's demanding to know why in hell they did away with the Arch Deluxe did not peak my interest in the least. The story about Pamela Anderson Lee's left breast melting in the hot sun during the shooting of a Baywatch episode just made me yawn. And the story about Ellen DeGeneres dating RuPaul just made me nauseous. Why can't these people just make up their minds?
Then, the headline across the front of the National Excretioner caught my eye: FEATHERS FLY AS COSTUMED CELEBS GO TO WAR! THE DIRTY DETAILS INSIDE!
As luck would have it, the rather large woman finished checking out and I had to move along before getting to read the story for free. Generally, I have a rule about wasting my hard-earned dollar on trash, but this was trash I had to have. I had to read the dirty details!
What was the Excretioner headline talking about? Why, the feud between Barney the Dinosaur (hereafter referred to as "plaintiff") and The Famous San Diego Chicken (hereafter referred to as "defendant") of course. These two high energy, high profile celebs are going at each other like constipated pitbulls on crack, slinging mud and styrofoam, calling names, making threats. This is the kind of story tabloid editors live for. This is a movie of the week in the making. This is a Court TV special with a gallery filled with Muppets!
According to the Excretioner, lawyers for Barney (a dinosaur so popular he needs only one name) have filed a copyright and trademark infringement suit against The Famous Chicken for "ridiculing and assaulting a Barney-like character during performances at sporting events across the country."
"In his act, The Chicken punches, flips, stands on and otherwise assaults a putative Barney," an attorney representing Barney reportedly said. "That's just not nice." The suit further claims that The Chicken's antics have caused irreparable damage to Barney's wholesome image, effectively making him the Marv Albert of the Jurassic set.
"Barney worries that his younger fans will be unable to distinguish between the fake Barney that The Chicken assaults during his act and the real thing," the attorney went on to say. "This could be emotionally devastating to them."
The real thing? Emotionally devastating? I just hope the little rugrats never find out Barney is really just some sweaty guy in a big, purple suit. It could mean years of therapy!
Ken Fitzgerald, legal counsel for The Famous Chicken, said his client's act is just a parody and the Great Purple One doesn't have a prehistoric leg to stand on. "This is clearly a case of costume envy. I've got two words for Barney: fossil fuel."
When asked to comment, the eternally jovial Barney just giggled and waved an underdeveloped arm through the air. "This is just a little misunderstanding between friends. I love The Chicken. In fact, if he were here right now, I'd give him a great, big hug and say, I love you!"
In a related case, Don Knotts, the actor who played Deputy Sheriff Barney Fife on The Andy Griffith Show, is contemplating legal action of his own. "I am the original Barney," Knotts has told reporters. "If one more kid asks me to sing that stupid 'I Love You' song I'm gonna scream!"
I'll keep you posted as things develop in the case. In the meantime, if you happen to be at the grocery store and you see a rather large woman with four small kids and two buggies of groceries and a clenched fistful of coupons, you tell her Tim Knox says hi.
From "Small Business Q&A" With Tim Knox Tim Knox is a nationally-known entrepreneur, author, speaker, and radio show host. Tim has helped hundreds of entrepreneurs realize their business dreams. To learn more please visit http://www.timknox.com
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