Some Great Ideas To Help You Choose Great Gifts For Golfers

Do you have a family member of friend who is a golfer? Do you need a gift idea for an upcoming special day or occasion? Is so; here are a few tips to help you get a great gift that your special golfer will love.
If weather permits you could give your golfer a day of golf. You can call their favorite golf course and reserve a tee time and send them golfing. What could be more enjoyable to a golf enthusiast than a day of golf? If the weather does not permit going golfing on the special day you could get a coupon to give that lets them have a free day of golf, on you, whenever the weather is appropriate and the golfer can go. Either way this is a great gift for someone who loves to golf.
You may want to think about purchasing your golfer a new pair of pants, a shirt, socks, or even shoes to wear on their next outing. You will want to make sure the shirt, pants, and or socks are made out of comfortable cotton so that the golfer can move easily. When purchasing these items make sure you get the correct sizes. If the clothes don't fit right it will just cause problems when they are trying to golf. You will also want to choose the correct style and color to meet the needs and likes of the golfer. If this is a gift you would like to get, but don't know the correct sizes you may want to talk to someone who may know, or choose a different great gift.
Accessories such as sunglasses, visors or watches are other great ideas. If you buy sunglasses you will want to make sure they are not concave, as this will alter the golfers sight. Obviously you would not want to do this, as sight is very important in the game of golf. A watch is also a gift you could give. A watch would be useful on or off the golf course.
One gift we you should not buy would be a set of clubs or a bag. Most golfers already have these items and do not need another. Golfers also usually have their own preference on what kind of clubs they want or need. The chance that you will buy the correct club is pretty slim. It is better if the golfer picks out their own clubs so that they can test them out and get a feel for them before they are purchased.
You may even choose to go the high tech route. You can get gadgets that will help improve your golfers game. You may also want to think about a golfing game that can be played at home. This is not as good as actually getting to golf, but can be played no matter what the weather is like. Another route would be to get one of those putting greens that can be used indoors. If you visit a sports or golf store I'm sure you will find a great gift for you golfer. If you are not sure what your golfer needs you can always get them a gift card to their favorite golf shop so that they can get what they need.
Gregg Hall is an author living in Navarre Florida. Find more about this as well as Fathers' Day Gifts at

30 Ways to Promote Your Website on a Shoestring Budget (Part 2)

16. Office Stationery & Merchandising Materials
It is extremely important that your website is included on ALL your office stationery so that customers can see it over and over again. That way they are more likely to remember it. If you've just had your letterheads printed, you can always add your website address on your wordprocessor, when printing your correspondence. For brochures, business cards etc, consider having small labels printed up. Your office stationery should include not only your website address, but also your email. Consider adding your details to:
- Letterheads
- Business Cards
- Flyers
- Brochures
- Labels
- Packaging
- Merchandise bags
- Catalogs
- Invoices
- Fax headers
- Display units
17. Pay per click (PPC)
Pay per click advertising is when an advertiser (you) pays for each qualified click that sends a search engine user to the advertiser's web page. PPC requires you to bid on keywords or phrases that relate to your business. The best known pay per click services are Google AdWords and Overture.
Generally you can bid from as little as a few cents per visitor. However, the more you bid the higher up in the search engine your advertisement will appear. Pay per click is a great way to deliver targeted and qualified visitors to your website at a very reasonable price.
It is a good idea to experiment with different PPC search engines to find the one that works best for you. In addition, you will need spend time testing your keywords and ads.
For more information check out:
Google Adwords -
Overture -
18. Visitor Exchanges
There are many websites popping up on the net that are known as Traffic Exchange, Click Exchange, Visitor Exchange or Surf For Hits programs. People become members of these sites with the goal of generating free traffic to their site.
The way it works is quite clever.
You visit another member's website and in exchange someone visits the website of your choice. Most of these programs work on a 2:1 ratio. This means that for every two sites that you visit, someone else in that same Start Page program will visit your site.
Simple concept, isn't it?
The great thing about these programs is that you will receive all of this traffic to your website, without having to spend a dime!
One of the biggest benefits from these programs is the ability to develop a downline of people that will generate 1,000's upon 1,000's of click thru visits to your site over time! In other words, you receive credits for the credits they chalk up for themselves!
For more information go to:
19. Articles
Writing articles is an excellent way for you to get free publicity. Getting an article published is free. The publicity you receive by having your article published in a newspaper, magazine or website can be worth thousands of dollars in equivalent advertising space. Well written articles yield better results than advertisements and earn you respect from customers, who see you as an expert in your field.
The best articles are "tips" or expert pieces. People are looking for guidance and will purchase from the experts who show them how to solve their problems.
Your article should include the following elements:
(a) The Headline
This should be attention grabbing and use power words and phrases, such as "How to …" "10 Ways that …", "Do you want to …"
(b) Lead Paragraph
The first couple of sentences should tell your readers why they should read the whole articles. Show them the benefits they will gain or the pain that they will avoid by reading the article.
(c) Body Copy
This is where you inform the reader how to do something that will enrich their business or personal lives. Use short sentences and provide step-by-step directions that they can easily follow.
(d) Conclusion
At the end you will want to summarise the topics you covered and briefly review the main points. Since you have helped your readers they will most likely want to know more. This is your chance to make your sell by making them an offer with a call to action.
(e) Resource Box
The resource box should supply the reader with the following information:
- Your name
- Company name
- Contact information
- Website details
- How to order your product, etc
If writing an article seems too daunting for you initially, you can hire a ghost writer to do this for you - generally at a very reasonable price. If you need someone to help you with this, you may wish to check out:
Once your article is written you will need to submit it to various publications on-line and off-line. For a listing of Australian printed publications, including the editor's details, you may wish to buy "The Australian Writer's Marketplace", available from most bookshops.
For a listing of on-line magazines (e-zines), visit: You can then contact the editor of each magazine and offer them your article.
If you don't have a lot of time to submit your articles manually, you may wish to consider using article submission services by companies such as:
Submit Your Article - or
The Phantom Writers -
For a small fee they will submit your article to thousands of publications.
20. Webrings
One of the more interesting ways to add some targeted traffic to your site is to join webrings. A webring allows visitors to surf through sites that are related in one way or another. They are free of charge to the owners, members and visitors.
Webrings deliver targeted traffic day after day and once they are set up they tend to stay set up with little further maintenance
Each webring is created and maintained by a person known as a ringmaster. This person accepts site submissions and validates that the site meets the topic of the webring. For more information visit:
21. Ezine Advertising
One of the best, cheapest and most targeted way to promote your product or service is through ezines (electronic magazines). Ezine ads reach people who want what you have to offer. As Ezines are generally based on a theme or particular interest and their subscribers have requested to receive them, you can be sure that they are going to be read.
Prices for advertisements vary depending on the popularity of the ezine and the actual location of your ad. Top position ads generally cost more than those found mid-way or at the bottom. Most ezine publishers will also send solo ads (advertisements about your product/service) to their subscribers. However, this is generally more costly.
To get the most of your ad, ensure you develop a killer title or headline and that the ad is straight to the point.
The best way to get started advertising in ezines would be to contact the editors of various ezines and check their rates, publication dates and number of subscribers - go to or for a comprehensive listing of ezines.
22. Publishing an Ezine or Newsletter
Whether you are the CEO of a multi-national corporate network or a stay-in-your-pyjamas entrepreneur, one of your primary business objectives should be to develop long-term relationships with everyone you communicate with - website visitors, prospects, customers, employees, suppliers, service providers etc. And one of the best methods of building strong relationships is through your own Ezine (electronic magazine) or Newsletter.
If you've been marketing on the Internet, then you know it may take several contacts with a prospective customer before closing a sale. What better way to make those contacts, without spamming... In addition, you can eventually make a nice income selling sponsor advertising and classified ads.
To publish an effective Ezine will take some time to develop and there are thousands of resources on the internet that will help you - simply go to your favourite search engine and type in "ezine publishing" or "ezine publishing articles".
In the meantime, here are some tips to get you started.
(a) Give your readers quality content - not rehashed or well-worn articles that have been published hundreds of times already.
(b) Write your own articles whenever possible or hire a ghost writer to help you. Talk to your readers as you would normally talk. Be yourself and let your sense of humour and uniqueness show through in your writing.
(b) Ensure the ezine has been properly edited, you have checked your spelling, grammar and formatting. Ensure all the links are working
(c) Personalise each issue for your subscriber. If your email software allows it, include a field so that your ezine is addressed to your subscriber by their firstname.
(d) Don't publish too many ads or too many affiliate links
(e) Ask for feedback to help you improve your ezine
(f) Stick to publishing a text ezine rather than HTML.
(g) Publish your ezine regularly and on time.
23. Media Releases
Having a story written about you and your business will not only bring you lots of new customers (at no cost to you), but will also provide you massive credibility. Stories about you in the media are far more believable, powerful and attractive than any ads you could possibly run. People will trust and respect you instantly.
A media release (also called press or news releases) should provide enough details to be informative, but it should leave out just enough information to be tantalizing that the media person calls you to find out more.
Your media release should feature the following:
The Headline
This is 90% of your release. Your headline will do almost all of the work in attracting attention to you.
The Summary
This is the first part of the media release and should tell your story briefly.
Credentials & Quotations
Insert quotes from other people and include the person's credentials
Call to Action
What do you want the person reading this release to do? You want them to call you for an interview. So provide your contact details and write a very brief outline of why you would be an interesting person to interview.
For more information about writing media releases visit:
24. Radio advertising
You may have shied away from radio advertising, thinking the cost would be well over your budget and it may very well be if you were to advertise on commercial radio stations. But have you considered community radio stations? There are hundreds of them around and the great thing is that they will reach your local market. For community radio stations in your area, visit your local yellow pages or search on the internet.
25. Print advertising
Writing the Copy
When it comes to print advertising, you have to get to the point—fast. Your headlines should motivate readers to want to read on to learn more about your product, price and offer. Effective headlines address a pressing customer need or desire. The reality is that people care more about themselves—and what you can do for them—than about your business. You'll get a much higher response rate when your headline quickly answers the question, "What's in it for me?"
In the body of your copy, offer an incentive for the reader to call you or come to your store. You may want to offer a discount or a free giveaway
Placing the Ad
Newspaper ads are very effective for businesses that market their products and services locally. Not only can you reach a large number of people in a specific metropolitan location, but you can also target prospects via their interests (in the sports, lifestyle and business sections, for example).
Advertising costs depend on a number of factors, including the size of the ad, where it's placed, the day it runs and so on. Call and request a media kit from the newspaper or magazine so you can determine what advertising steps you can take that will fit with your marketing budget.
Consider placing print advertisements in local publications, national publications, industry publications, target market specific publications, yellow pages, local directories, special catalogues
26. Postcards
If looking to target potential customers, don't overlook postcard marketing. Postcards achieve almost a 100% readership, while being simple to use and inexpensive.
- keep your name in front of customers
- generate a high return on investment
- are flexible, informative and creative
- have high impact and low cost
Postcards can be used to:
- generate website traffic and sales leads
- promote new specials or company awareness
- announce new products, websites, store locations
- thank customers
- use as a discount offer /coupon
Repetition is the key to effective marketing efforts and postcards offer an inexpensive way of doing it.
27. Word of mouth / Testimonials
Word-of-mouth marketing truly is one of the best ways to promote your business. The three most important things you can do to start the process of increasing your business through word-of-mouth include:
(a) Diversify your networks by becoming visible and active in the community. Participate in various networking groups and/or professional associations.
(b) Set up a contact list of businesses that are complementary and noncompetitive to you. For example: a lawyer, an accountant, a financial planner and a banker. All of them have clients with overlapping similar needs. They can all work with and refer each other easily. Another good example is a florist, a photographer, a travel agent and a jeweler. A referral for one of them becomes a referral for all of them.
(c) Building your business through word-of-mouth is about cultivating relationships with people who get to know you and trust you. People do business with people they have confidence in. It's not what you know, or whom you know, it's how well you know them that counts. If you go into this process understanding this one key point, you will have a better opportunity to build your business through word-of-mouth.
28. eBay
If you sell products (as opposed to services) in your business, one of the best marketing tools you can use is eBay. eBay is a community where individuals and businesses can buy and sell a vast range of new and used items at fair market prices.
The main reasons why you should sell on eBay include:
- You can sell little or lot of practically anything from antiques to cars.
- Gain access to the millions of eBay buyers worldwide.
- Feel safe with policies and protections of the Community.
- Sell as an individual, small business, enterprise, and more!
For more information visit: for selling globally or for selling within Australia.
29. Viral marketing
On the Internet, viral marketing is any marketing technique that induces Web sites or users to pass on a marketing message to other sites or users, creating a potentially exponential growth in the message's visibility and effect. One example of successful viral marketing is Hotmail, a company, now owned by Microsoft. Their strategy is simple:
(a) Give away free e-mail addresses and services,
(b) Attach a simple tag at the bottom of every free message sent out: "Get your private, free email at" and,
(c) Then stand back while people e-mail to their own network of friends and associates,
(d) Who see the message,
(e) Sign up for their own free e-mail service, and then
(f) Propel the message still wider to their own ever-increasing circles of friends and associates.
Some viral marketing strategies work better than others. Below are basic elements you should try to include in your strategy.
(a) Give away products or services
Most viral marketing programs give away valuable products or services to attract attention. Free e-mail services, free information, free "cool" buttons, free software programs etc
(b) Provide for effortless transfer to others
The medium that carries your marketing message must be easy to transfer and replicate: e-mail, website, graphic, software download. From a marketing standpoint, you must simplify your marketing message so it can be transmitted easily and without degradation. Short is better.
(c) Scale easily from small to very large
To spread like wildfire the transmission method must be rapidly scalable from small to very large. Ensure you have enough resources, such as mail servers and staff that will be able to handle the increase in business.
(d) Exploit common motivations and behaviors
Clever viral marketing plans take advantage of common human motivations such as greed, the desire to be cool, hunger to be popular, loved, and understood.
(e) Utilize existing communication networks
Each person has a network of 8 to 12 people in their close network of friends, family, and associates. A person's broader network may consist of hundreds or thousands of people. People on the Internet develop networks of relationships, too. They collect e-mail addresses and favourite website URLs. Affiliate programs exploit such networks, as do permission e-mail lists. Learn to place your message into existing communications between people, and you rapidly multiply its dispersion.
(f) Take advantage of others' resources
The most creative viral marketing plans use others' resources to get the word out. For example, affiliate programs place text or graphic links on others' websites, authors give away free articles, news release can be picked up by a large number of publications as they form the basis of articles seen by hundreds of thousands of readers.
30. Joint Ventures
A joint venture is an agreement in which two or more businesses work on a project for a set period of time. Joint ventures can be long-term or short-term. With joint venture you can:
(a) Build long lasting business relationships.
(b) Increase your credibility by teaming up with other reputable, branded businesses.
(c) Get free or discounted products and services.
(d) Set up most joint venture deals with little or no money.
(e) Gain new leads and customers.
(f) Offer your customers new products and services.
(g) Get rid of your extra inventory.
(h) Find and create new distribution channels for your products.
To learn more about Joint Ventures, visit:
There are many excellent ebooks on internet marketing. I would strongly recommend you pick up at least one or two and start reading. For a list of some great electronic books and tools, which are available for instant download, visit:
Ivana Katz is the owner of Websites 4 Small Business, a company specialising in the design and promotion of small and growing business websites. She believes that every business deserves to have a successful website, no matter what its budget is. For more information visit or email To download your Website Plan go to

Cruise Vacations - Our Top 10 Reasons for Choosing to Cruise

Anyone who has taken fabulous Cruise Vacations can give you a hundred reasons for cruising your vacation time away. Once you have taken a cruise vacation, you'll know why. Cruising has so much to offer a vacationer it's no wonder that cruises have become so very popular.
We will look into just ten reasons for choosing a cruise vacation. These may not be your top 10 once you have cruised, but you will certainly understand why we say there are hundreds of reasons!
10. Cruising variety!
There are hundreds of cruise ships and boats to choose from. Small charter cruisers to the mega ships, cruising gives you a tremendous number of options. Then you can look at the destinations and ports-of-call depending on your taste and desires. From a cruise to nowhere, to a world cruise, you have almost unlimited options! On the mega ships, you have a variety of dining venues to enchant with exquisite cuisine. These ships also offer a wide variety of activities and even evening entertainment. Choose a cruise vacation for its variety!
9. Cruise vacation value!
A vacation cruise offers tremendous value. With the price of your cruise ticket, you get your efficient yet comfortable stateroom with housekeeping that seems to be never ending. The pampering service that you receive is exceptional in terms of resorts. You receive all on-board meals. In the case of the mega ships, this can mean a choice of elegant dining rooms with mouth watering presentations. These floating resorts provide a number of athletic activities that can range from volleyball and basketball to rock climbing and ice skating! And when the sun sets, the ships turn into "entertainment central". From Broadway and Vegas style shows to intimate lounges to rocking discos, the mega cruise ships offer it all!
8. Vacation activities while cruising!
What is your idea of vacation activities? Is it water sports? Cruising certainly has that with swimming pools and resort beaches. How about sightseeing? Do the historic cities of Europe intrigue you or would exotic ports of call be more enticing? Think vacation cruise! How about cultural lectures and educational tours? What about golfing on a different island every day in port? Does your vacation include a visit to the casino? Or, is your idea of vacationing soaking up the sun and relaxing on the beach or by the pool? You guessed it. You can have any of these vacation activities by choosing an appropriate cruise vacation!
7. Cruising for family vacations!
Cruising is fantastic for family vacations of all ages! (See Family Cruise Vacation.) Many of the larger cruise lines and cruise ships offer special programs for children and teens. Kids get to get away from mom and dad, and mom and dad get some free time to relax and enjoy each others' company. With all of the activities available on board ship, no one should become bored. Add the interesting and educations shore excursions at the various ports-of-call, and everyone gets an appreciation of how others live. Special menu offerings for children make dining a breeze. And on some ships, there are 24 hour pizzerias! Ice cream stations add to the enchantment. Some cruise lines also offer a special coupon or ticket for soft drinks at a minimal cost. Some ships offer babysitting as well - but it's best to check first. Choose a cruise for your next family vacation!
6. Choose a cruise to experience new horizons!
Unpack your bags when you arrive on board your cruise ship and that's it! On some itineraries you will be in a new port-of-call every day. But you won't have to pack... unpack... pack... unpack... - you get the idea! Experience some of the best destinations the world has to offer while relaxing and enjoying your time between ports! No more long waits in airports or cramped seating on trains or busses. Relax by the pool, work-out in the gym, enjoy some free time gaming, read a good book - you decide how you use your time between the fascinating and intriguing ports. Go to sleep in your comfortable stateroom in one port and wake up in a new port with adventure ahead!
5. The simplicity of cruises for vacationing!
With a little investigation up-front, your cruise vacation is as simple as booking... then enjoying! Once on board, your time is your own - no pressure to be here at this time and there at that time. Enjoy your vacation and return from your cruise refreshed (not needing a vacation from your vacation). Do as much - or as little - as you like! Nearly all expenses are paid for with your cruise ticket. A little spending money is about all you need. Talk about simple - come on board and have everything looked after for you! Now that's a vacation!
4. Romance and cruise vacations!
For hundreds of years there has been a romantic mystique about the seas. What could be more romantic than sailing off into the sunset while sipping a glass of fine wine on your private balcony? Perhaps strolling arm in arm on an elegant formal night with your better half dressed to the nines. What about a honeymoon to some of the most romantic ports in the world? Perhaps a quiet secluded cove with white sandy beach. Enjoy each others' company at a quiet table in one of the intimate lounges. Or dance into the night under the stars. Take a while and lose yourselves while utilizing the spa services for two. Nothing could be more romantic than a cruise vacation!
3. Vacation cruises' pampering service!
For many people, nothing is more important for enjoyment while vacationing than service. If you receive good service, you are content. Be prepared to have your socks blown off! Most cruise lines train there staff in the fine art of customer service. Your room steward or stewardess will do their absolute utmost to ensure that your stateroom is kept just the way you like. From the bartenders to the wait staff to the activities staff, each cruise staff member's aim is to please. On our last cruise, our wine steward and the table staff in the dining room were absolutely wonderful. When you board your cruise ship be prepared to be pampered!
2. Cruise vacation dining!
Many people will tell you that this is the number one reason for taking a cruise. The fabulous menu options have your mouth watering. Then the presentation arrives and you are certainly not disappointed. The main dining rooms are places of elegance and formality. Most ships have alternate dining options as well - some with a small cover charge. There are usually casual dining options as well. Some ships have poolside grilles and some even have 24 hour pizzerias as mentioned earlier. Most offer 24 hour in-suite dining as well. And don't miss out on the midnight buffet! Special menus can - in most cases - be provided with advance notice. Pack a pair of stretchy pants or slacks - just in case !
1. Because YOU deserve it!
The number on reason for taking a cruise vacation is because you deserve it! You work hard all year long for your vacation time and money. Vacation cruises provide you with tremendous value, variety, comfort and enjoyment. There are itineraries that will elate almost any vacation traveler. Whether your cruise vacation is a romantic getaway, a family vacation or a break from the hustle and bustle of every day life, you deserve this fantastic escape!
If you have any questions regarding choosing the right cruise line for you, send us a note at using the subject line "Questions".
Brian A Schmidt is the author and web publisher of your #1 source for cruise information, discounts and great deals! To check out great cruise information and great Cruises On-Line Deals see our discount cruises main pages! For more interesting articles visit our Article Map pages.

Why Do They Buy?

A recent issue of Entrepreneur magazine included a marketing story with five important questions all business owners should be able to answer about themselves and their competition.
Understanding these five critical areas will help you better develop and implement your marketing plan, and sell more to your customers and prospects.
1) What does my customer buy?
My clients know I am a big believer in the principle that customers don't necessarily buy what we think we're selling. (Al Lautenslager, owner of The Ink Well in Wheaton, Illinois, and co-author with Jay Conrad Levinson of Guerrilla Marketing in 30 Days taught me this approach many years ago.) The classic example is people don't buy drills they buy holes. Similarly, they buy thrills, not NASCAR tickets. They buy vision and image, not eyeglasses. Memories, not vacations. Community, not five dollar cups of coffee at Starbucks. Fairways, not Calloway's Great Big Bertha drivers with strong flex, low torque and a high kick point.
Success Handler Action: After you finish reading this E-newsletter, take some time with your team to write down examples of what your customers buy. Is it printing and copying, or communications materials? Business cards, or self-promotion items? Shipping, or convenience? Technology education, or kids' futures? Medical products, or feeling good about herself again? There could be multiple examples in your small business. List as many as you can. For the remaining questions, take a few moments after each one with your team to brainstorm answers.
2) What does my customer consider value?
Price is only a number, arrived at by market demand, gut feeling, or, in the case of some car dealers, extensive haggling and customer frustration. Value, on the other hand, is a fair exchange for something received. In the case of a college education, it's knowledge that leads to a career. At Walt Disney Worldฎ Resort, it's entertainment and magic. With the Sunday newspaper, it's information and coupon savings. What is it in your small business?
3) Why is my product superior to my competition?
This answer typically runs the gamut from better materials, to longer warranties, to state-of-the-art technology. The clich้, of course, is "our people"; but can everyone really offer the best customer service? In your business, is it faster turnaround? Better design? Compassionate and caring atmosphere? Highly educated teachers? Professional product packers? What is the "one thing" you do better than anyone else?
4) Why do prospects buy from my competition?
To answer this one, you have to do some work. Call a few folks who didn't accept your quotes, and find out why you missed those sales. Blind shop your competition, and see what they're offering you didn't know about. At your next networking event, ask people which of your competitors they use, and why. Then ask them these three questions: What do you like most about your current provider? What do you like least? Is there anything they don't offer you wish they did? With this information in hand, you will be ready to look for growth opportunities and recognize threats that could change your business model.
5) What does a prospect need to be convinced of to buy?
Anyone who has taken sales training knows that there are many steps in the buying process. Closing is an art, and some are much better at it than others. Yet, in its simplest form, your prospect must reach a "Eureka Moment!" when everything clicks, and she realizes she would be absolutely crazy to do business with anyone else but you. What is it that triggers that moment? Is it understanding all the benefits of your product/service? Recognizing value? Having the time to focus on what you're offering? Overcoming the fear of changing suppliers?
Competitive advantages could and should change with time, and a competitive advantage is not a product or service; it's an intangible that adds value in the perception of the customer. Although you may think your products/services are not commodities, to the customer they often are just that. In the customer's mind, you're just one more project to move off their desk and on to someone else. With commodities, the value lies outside of the products and services. To truly have a competitive advantage, you have to ask the right questions that uncover critical issues important to your prospect. Those are the intangibles that make the difference in getting the sale.
Success Handler Action: After working through all five questions, spend some time with your team discussing areas where your organization needs improvement. Make sure everyone understands what turns your prospects into customers. Look for opportunities to define your business, and for ways to grow sales by capitalizing on your competition's inefficiencies.
When you get right down to it, the best value in the world may be the postage stamp. Despite all the post office jokes, where else can you get so much for just 37 cents? Stick a commemorative stamp on an envelope, and you can send a letter across the country in a matter of days. Stick that same stamp in a drawer, and it may quadruple in worth in 30 years.
With that in mind, always remember people don't buy postage; they buy delivery of birthday wishes, mortgage checks and, unfortunately for the rest of us, those never-ending credit card offers.
Copyright ฉ 2004 by Success Handler, LLC. All rights reserved.
The Coach, David Handler, is the founder of Success Handler, (, and specializes in helping small business leaders, franchisees and franchisors find clarity and take action. He understands the challenges of running a business, because he's been there - as a small business owner, franchisee, franchisor, corporate leader and trainer. Much like sports coaches, his coaching will show you how to compete on a level playing field in your industry.

Six Ways To Attract New Customers To Your Restaurant

Without new business, your restaurant won't be able to grow. You need a constant stream of new customers to replace those you lose as a result of customers relocating, switching jobs, or changing dining habits. Here are six strategies for getting more customers through your doors.

1.Market Your Restaurant In Hotel Rooms
Business travellers and people on holiday may not be familiar enough with your town to know where to find an excellent meal. You can give them a hand simply by doing some hotel room marketing. Talk to hotels within your three-mile radius area and ask if you can place menus and advertisements in their rooms and lobby area. Some hotels have a "Nearby Attractions" list which they provide for their guests. You can ask to be added to the list. When guests get hungry and start trying to figure out where to eat, you'll be one of the first restaurants to come to mind.

2.Form A Strategic Alliance With Event Venues
After a concert or sporting event, people are hungry and want to eat. Remember that people sometimes travel a long distance to come to these events, so they don't want to travel home on an empty stomach. One venue in the United States showed a nearby restaurant's advert on all of the venue monitors between concert acts. After the concert was over, that restaurant was packed with concert goers. You can do your part by promoting upcoming events of that venue at your restaurant.

3.Enter Contests
One of the biggest ways to get some media attention and, therefore, to attract new business is by winning a contest. For example, enter your chef in a cooking contest. Read restaurant publications and browse the Internet to find out about any contests you may be able to enter. If all else fails, create your own contest and invite local restaurants to participate. Then, even if you lose, you'll still generate great publicity and get new patrons in your door.

4.Sell Gift Certificates
Your loyal customers may want their friends and family members to give you a try. Provide them with your gift certificates, so they can buy these as presents for loved ones. A gift certificate allows the recipient to try your restaurant completely risk-free since they usually don't have to pay anything for the experience. Plus, each gift certificate serves as a referral to your establishment. Make sure your gift certificates come in flexible amounts so that buyers have the freedom to decide how much to spend.

5.Give Samples Out At Busy Locations
Send your food on the road if you really want to lure in new customers. Go to locations that have a lot of human traffic, such as shopping centres, supermarkets, parks, etc, and offer samples of some of your most tasty food to everyone that passes by. When they stop to take a sample, give out a menu, business card, or a coupon so that they'll know exactly where they can go in order to taste more of your scrumptious food.

6.Offer "Happy Hour" Specials
At the end of a hard day, many workers want to relax and unwind before heading home, so invite them to your restaurant for some "happy hour" specials. Drink specials and low-price finger food buffets are both good ideas. You could also have Frequent Diner cards for happy patrons so that after so many drinks they receive a free drink or a discount on their meal if they decide to stay for dinner. Inform all local businesses about your offer.

Copyright ฉ 2004 Habiba Abubakar and Emprez. All rights reserved.
Habiba Abubakar, a.k.a. Restaurant Marketing Diva, is the author of40Proven Strategies ForAttracting A Continuous Flow Of New Customers To YourRestaurant.Habiba helps restaurant owners and managers who are struggling to attract more customers and are finding it hard to build customer loyalty.Be sure to sign up foryourFREEcopy of her revealing report, FOUR Things You Can Do To Skyrocket Your Restaurant's Profits In 90 Days or Less. Just go to

Developing VIP Clubs that Increase Business

"Before you begin marketing through a VIP Club, you need to take a step back and look at your restaurant. Make sure that you are ready for increased business. Don't attempt to market your restaurant unless you have above average food and service. Good marketing can actually put a restaurant that provides poor food and service out of business faster because more people will have a poor dining experience, and the negative word-of-mouth will cause them to fail faster than if they do not market at all," says Brent Davis, Director of Coaching Services for (RMG) a company that specializes in helping restaurants to build sound, trackable marketing systems through its easy-to-use software, "How-To" marketing manuals and personalized coaching.
Gathering the Data:
Once you have taken an internal inventory and feel good about the food and service that you provide, it's time to start using and building your database of existing customers. Remember that in most restaurants 30 percent of the customers are bringing in 70 percent of the business. For the sake of our discussion, let's say that Joe's Family Diner has 10,000 customers a month. That's 322 customers each day. Seventy percent of the diner's monthly customers would be 7,000. If the restaurant's VIP Club marketing creates only one more visit per year per customer at an average check of $25, the volume will increase by $175,000 per year or $14,538 a month and that's with only one extra visit per existing customer per year. You can see why it's important to go after additional customer visits.
"Don't forget that your existing customers are your neighbors. A VIP Club enables you to market within your neighborhood to existing customers. It's permission based and therefore considerably more effective than if you did a blanket coupon offer to all of your neighbors. These are folks who know and frequent your restaurant; they took the time to fill out a VIP card and have shared personal information with you," says Davis.
"VIP Clubs are a great way to build customer loyalty. Always give a thank you reward bonus for joining the club. We recommend that the offers go out by email or regular mail within 72 hours after signing up. The offer should be without any strings attached. I like to suggest that the offer be for a dollar amount. A flat $15.00 or $10.00 amount could be enough depending on your guest check average. You could give a FREE, dinner with a $10 or $15 limit. Give them an offer they can use on anything they want. The offer is now valuable and they feel compelled to use it," says Teresa Horn, RMG Marketing Program Development Specialist.
To enjoy the greatest return on your VIP Club enrollment campaign, you should train your employees so that they understand everything about the VIP Club. Have a contest and give prizes to the employees who sign up the most customers. Place VIP Club displays and sign-up cards in very high-traffic, highly visible areas. Use pre-printed "Post-It" pad messages and put them on your menus so that your customers and employees will be reminded to fill them out. Always emphasize the benefits of VIP Club membership. Enter the names and additional information into the computer software program on a daily basis, using a part time employee.
Horn suggests that your VIP Club sign-up cards include the following information:
Birthdates of each family member, so that they can receive a birthday surprise.
Phone: (Optional)
"Carefully select your expiration date. I usually suggest using a three-week expiration date. If it's not used by then, it is usually lost. You want to create a sense of urgency," says Horn.
Processing the data:
Don't wait until you have built a large database. Start marketing to each VIP Club member the minute you get their data. You will find that this information is your most valuable marketing asset.
Creating a database of your customers and immediately communicating to them on a regular basis will increase the frequency of visits to your restaurant. For almost any reason, or sometimes for no reason at all you should send the customer a postcard or an email with an incentive to bring them into the restaurant again. Remember, the goal is to bring the customers in at least one EXTRA time per year. By sending them a reminder postcard or email around a holiday or during a local community event will remind them to visit your restaurant. And if they make several EXTRA visits you have exceeded your goal and dramatically increased the sales and profit of your restaurant.
Create a Birthday Club:
What is the most popular holiday for eating out? According to the National Restaurant Association, it's on your birthday. In fact, 55 percent of all Americans eat out on their birthdays. The best news of all is that people have birthdays 365 days a year, spread out over 12 months. Birthdays are the perfect time to encourage additional business.
"Use the information gathered in your database to send out birthday cards for each VIP customer as you recognize one of the most important days in their lives. Their celebrations might as well happen at your restaurant. Always include a FREE offer such as a FREE dinner for the birthday guest. Remember that birthday guests rarely party alone; the average size of a birthday group is five individuals," says Davis.
Go out of your way to make the birthday party a special event when a customer redeems his/her certificate. Your restaurant needs to become the "Party Place." Develop definite policies to ensure that it happensกชthat the parties are fun and your birthday guest is treated like royalty for their day. You must create a special party atmosphere. One Northwest seafood chain has a crazy fish hat that the birthday person wears while they take a Polaroid or digital photo of the birthday guest and his/her friends. The photo is then slipped into a cardboard photo holder and becomes a nice takeaway remembrance of the evening. Of course, the restaurant's name and address is on the card. If you include a "year" sticker, it can become a collectable item.
Celebrate Anniversaries:
Another great marketing campaign can be centered on your VIP customers' anniversaries. Forty-three percent of American couples say they go out to eat to celebrate their wedding anniversaries. If you own a fine dining restaurant, try to make your guests dining experience special and romantic. Doing "little extras" is what will set your restaurant apart from the competition. Value-added incentives are more important than discounts on anniversaries. You must make it a "special occasion."
Quick Service Restaurants and Pizza Shops can effectively wish mom and dad a happy anniversary by giving them a great offer for their children's meals that way, Mom doesn't have to cook for the children before she goes out to dine. This let's the children celebrate the anniversary too.
Advertise Specials or New Menus:
"With a marketing database, you are prepared to communicate with your regular customers. It's a great way to introduce a new menu or a new menu item. Always include some special offer just for VIP members," says Horn.
Many companies have developed a newsletter for VIP members. Others are sending out e-newsletters. This is a great way to say thank you to your frequent customers. It's also a great medium to tell them about new menu items, new employees, and new recipes. All this helps to make our customers take an interest in your restaurant and keep your restaurant's name in front of your VIP members. Be sure to make the newsletter newsy and fun to read. Always include some sort of incentive for those members to stop by for a meal. Change your incentive in each newsletter and track the results.
Sponsor Contests:
One restaurateur saw a substantial increase in VIP member visits when she started having a weekly drawing. She sent out a postcard to the VIP members and asked them to bring in the postcards for a FREE offer. When redeemed, the postcards were entered into a weekly drawing for a free lunch or "Dinner For Two". Monthly drawings were also held with prizes such as a digital camera, CD player, clock radio, etc. Grand Prize Drawings held twice a year gave away a grandfather's clock or a cruise. With every mailer, she reminded her customers of the grand prize drawings.
Additional Celebrations:
Create theme nights to attract your VIP members back to your restaurant. Tie your theme occasions with holidays. For instance, February is National Chocolate Lover's Month. Offer your VIP members a special chocolate dessert promotion for the month of February. One creative Italian restaurant owner did a VIP promotion for its St. Patrick's Day elebration. He sent out an email invitation saying, "Come party with real Italians on St. Patrick's Day. We'll show you how to celebrate St. Patrick's Day in style." Any holiday will do. One restaurant celebrated Agatha Christie's Birthday by offering a surprise entree special.
Remember that the number of dollars that a customer is going to spend is limited. To get more than your share, you are frankly going to have to take them away from your competition Effective marketing will help you get a larger share of your customer's dollars and includes the tools to track each and every promotion to determine your customer response and return on investment. With good marketing and tracking you will be able to keep your restaurant in Top OF Mind awareness with your customers.
"It's not your customer's job to remember you. It's your obligation and your responsibility to make sure the customer doesn't forget you! An effective VIP Club will do just that," says Davis.
Brenda Carlos has been publisher & managing editor for Hospitality News & the International Education Guide. She has authored articles focusing on all aspects of foodservice. She is the co-author of "Event Management for Tourism, Cultural, Business & Sporting Events," (Prentice Hall). She is a regular contributor to the National Culinary Review and Sizzle magazines. Ms. Carlos is an enthusiastic speaker. She is a graduate of Brigham Young Univ.

Personalized Giving With A Gift Basket

One of the most popular gifts today is the Gift Basket. The Gift Basket is great because you can custom make it to suit the tastes of about anyone. That in a nut shell, is why I give Gift Baskets several times a year. You have a baby shower to go to, and have absolutely no idea of what they have already and what to buy?!? Pick up a cute basket and fill it with bottles, bibs, booties and whatever else tickles your fancy. How about that hard to buy for teenager...?
Even if you filled their basket with nothing else but gift certificates it would be a hit! You can put in coupons for fast food joints, movie rentals or movie passes, a gift certificate for music CD's to give you a few ideas. Speaking of music you can do a basket with that theme. Several CD's, a CD case, concert tickets, an MP3 player or CD player. For a gift basket for a football buff you can start with a couple tickets to a game they'd love to see. Then add a team cap, some munchies to take to the game, and add a football to toss around while you wait for the game to start. You can do that for about any sport, a fisherman for instance would get maybe a new rod, a fishing license, put in their favorite bait, lures, bobbers, and ect. A mechanic might like a roll of shop towels, flashlights, tools, and I'm sure by now you get the idea!
For that special someone that you just want to pamper, you can put any of their favorite bath stuffs, lotions, a soothing tape or CD. If the idea of filling a basket from scratch is something your not sure you want to tackle, many companies offer finished baskets all ready to send to the lucky somebody! This is something to even consider for that hard to buy for guy, you know which one, the one that has everything he wants because he buys it for himself. So next time your looking for something different or something more personal think gift basket!
The author is from which is a unique web store that carries homewares like baskets and other decorative items. But we specialize in the more unusual or hard to find gifts. At All Gifts And Oddities we carry ethnic items from American Indian, African, Asian & more. There is Nascar items, Sports Memorabilia, Collectables and also our Oddities department. So if your wanting something different check us out!

Collaborative Marketing - More Results with Less Work

Strategic Alliances are the key for your Cross-Promotion success. A popular reason for companies to come together is to reciprocally promote one another. Ideas are as simple as a local pharmacy and dry cleaner promoting each other with specials or coupons, to regional promotions, to national promotions. Cross-promotions can be developed with competitors or between organizations from different industries. The key is simply this—do you have similar customers? Almost everywhere you look, you can see one organization cross promoting with another. Recently, a cross-promotion advertisement in a San Francisco newspaper for Pacific Bell also involved Round Table Pizza, Hollywood Video, Nokia and the Special Olympics.
In your effort to make cross-promotion alliances work, develop your process by keeping the below listed steps in mind:
1. Be clear on what you want to create for yourself or your company.
2. Discover the; What's in it for me (WIIFM) for your partner(s).
3. Develop a list of who does what for physical and financial contributions.
4. Plan for the unexpected.
5. Explain to your partner(s) the value they will receive.
6. Help your partner(s) to have an emotional ownership in the alliance.
7. Do the above step for yourself also.
8. Execute the promotion.
9. Debrief with partner(s) the value received from the investment.
10. Plan the next promotion.
"Got Milk?" The California Milk Processors Board, as reported in The Wall Street Journal in the late 1990s stated that this national promotion has been running since 1993. They also put "Got Milk" on Girl Scout Cookies. They have even gotten their milk advertisements on cereal, cookies and chocolate mix packaging. Jeff Manning, executive director of the California Milk Processors Board, says, "We need those people to promote for us." "In return, we affectionately call them co-dependent foods."
Manning doesn't stop there. He convinced Dole Food Co. in Westlake Village, California to add another sticker on to their clusters of bananas for the retail market. You got it, "Got Milk" stickers. In the late 1990s Dole started putting "Got Milk" stickers on bunches of bananas--millions. Milk is getting more interruptions in the minds of consumers. The more Partnering milk can do with products in other parts of the grocery stores, the more sales potential they enjoy. Dole even got an "ah ha" from the cross-promotion, they have been Partnering with Hollywood to promote new release movies such as Anastasia and Babe in the City.
Researching for a presentation for the National Home Furnishings Association, I discovered an interesting alliance in Northern California. They call themselves the Sonoma County Fine Furniture Association (SCFFA). What did they do? Eight fine furniture retailers, competitors, banded together to survive the recession of the early 1990s through cross-promotion and buying strength.
They bought advertising together on the local radio and in the local newspaper. They even dictated to the newspaper on which pages their advertising would be located. They developed combined events where customers would visit several of the stores to be eligible to win prizes. They promoted each other to their customers within the store, especially if the specific retailer did not have exactly what the customer was seeking. They even printed a combined brochure, including the address and map locations of each member. The front of the brochure said, People you can trust. Wow, what impact!
On a United Airlines flight from Washington, D.C. to Atlanta, the cabin attendant handed me my usual bag of peanuts. But, what was unusual was the size of the bag and its weight. After closer examination, I noticed that an America Online (AOL) diskette was included with the peanuts. It made sense, a business route shuttle—what a great way to get the AOL software into the hands of business people. But do not get caught sleeping. Now, things have changed for AOL and they have been forced to offer for free what they once charged.
Forest City, Iowa, recreational vehicle (RV) manufacturer, Winnebago Industries, Inc. and Nebraska-based sportsman's outfitter, Cabela's have found synergies through reciprocal promotion activities. Cabala's has provided an ideal venue in which Winnebago dealers have displayed their RVs in quite a number of outdoor events. Most events were run by Cabela's promotional arm, Sportsman's Quest. Winnebago products were also displayed in Cabela's catalogs. Winnebago, in turn displayed Cabela's products at their events.
Strategic Alliances for Co-Branding Bringing together more than one trusted and established brand name develop a marketing synergism that cannot be beat. The advertisement headline read, Bring The Magic of Mattel Home for the Holidays. Just under the headline were several foods producing toys offered. The hook was that it showed Golden Arches type food. Mattel had a relationship with McDonald's. And, what quality parent would deny their child the opportunity to make their own McDonald's hamburgers, fries, shakes and cookies at home?
Nestl้/Road Gold Flipz (chocolate covered pretzels), the synergy that can be developed by co-branding is awesome. Co-branded products have, at a minimum; twice the marketing impact and customer pull as traditional branding. Consumers believe that with two trusted names, the product must be exceptional. There was one problem with the Flip though. When they were first introduced, the consumers' acceptance was so great that the distributors had trouble keeping their stores in stock. What a problem to have . . .
In recent years the automotive industry has found value in Partnering with highly recognizable prestigious brands of clothing and accessories. Ford Motor Company partners with the successful catalog retailer, Eddie Bauer to offer luxurious editions of their popular sport utility vehicle models, Explorer and Expedition. As customers' perception of quality and value can be influenced through these offerings, they are also willing to pay more for the perceived value.
Ford Motor Company has enjoyed its relationship with Eddie Bauer for over 20 years. In 1999, the two brands reached a milestone in their collaboration as Ford and Eddie Bauer celebrated production of the one millionth Eddie Bauer edition Ford vehicle at the St. Louis Assembly Plant, home of the Ford Explorer sport utility.
At the time, stated "It's almost uncanny how well-matched Ford and Eddie Bauer are," says Ford Division Marketing Communications Manager Jan Klug. "Both companies have reputations built on an uncompromising commitment to quality, durability and customer satisfaction. For our customers, this means the irresistible combination of Ford's 'go anywhere' capability and Eddie Bauer's rugged style. For both companies, it means enhancing each other's brand."
"It's no secret why Ford is setting industry records for SUV sales in a U.S. market that currently has 41 SUV nameplates," says Explorer Brand Manager Doug Scott. "We are creating products that really excite the customer. And in partnering with Eddie Bauer, we are expanding the opportunities for the Explorer and Expedition to be a meaningful part of our customer's active lifestyles."
Because of Ford's success in co-brand Partnering with Eddie Bauer, they are trying to duplicate their success with Harley-Davidson Motor Company, Milwaukee, Wisconsin in their limited edition Harley-Davidson F-150 pickup truck. The customized version is restyled, all-black, with distinctive Harley-Davidson orange pinstriping and chrome accessories.
"A strategic alliance between the Ford Motor Company and Harley-Davidson makes mutual historical and business sense," noted Gurminder Bedi, vice president, Ford Truck Vehicle Center in a January 6, 2000 Ford news release. "Our common heritage as American motor vehicle manufacturers and our common centennials of 2003 were just too good to pass up as a natural business opportunity. "The partnership makes good business sense," Bedi added. "The world recognizes both companies as original American innovators known for exciting, quality products."
"This alliance brings together two of the most well-known and admired companies in the world," said Jeff Bleustein in the same release, Harley-Davidson chairman and chief executive officer. "Ford and Harley-Davidson customers alike want a distinctive vehicle that makes a statement about themselves as individuals."
Even in the recreational vehicle (RV) industry, a manufacturer sees marketing value in co-branding. Fleetwood Enterprises, Inc. in Riverside, California is in alliance with Bass Pro Shops Outdoor World. Fleetwood has enjoyed good sales volume in its private-label RV partnership with Missouri-based Tracker Marine LP and its Bass Pro Shops Outdoor World stores. Fleetwood built and branded with the Tracker and Trailstar name are sold in six Bass Pro Shops Outdoor World stores and 56 Tracker marine dealerships. RVs promoted at the Outdoor World stores sell for a single, non-negotiable price (unique to the RV industry) and can be purchased over the Internet. Models range from a Trailstar 8 folding trailer to the 29-foot Class C Trailstar RV.
Cross promotion and co-branding are important strategies for business growth that you will want to consider very soon. Why wait until your competitors gobble up the best partnering relationships?
To access helpful additional information from Ed Rigsbee at no charge, please visit
Adapted from PartnerShift-How to Profit from the Partnering Trend by Ed Rigsbee, CSP, published by John Wiley & Sons, New York. Rigsbee is also the author of Developing Strategic Alliances and The Art of Partnering. Rigsbee has over 1,000 published articles to his credit and is a regular keynote presenter at corporate and trade association conferences across North America. He can be reached through or

Marketing "Uniqueness"

In order to help you develop an image, or to enhance your "added value" in a product or service, look for a unique attribute on which to capitalize. The theory says, "You can't get this special from anyone but me, and not having it will cost you!" Obviously you don't want to use those exact words, they convey the concept.
There was a survey done by a Spanish newspaper for restaurants. They wanted to determine what was the major factor that caused patrons to frequent any particular restaurant. Two thirds of the respondees said that "they liked to eat where they could find something, a dish or sauce, that they could not create at home." Unique sells!
Be the only hamburger stand in town that has discount coupons for desserts at the grocery store - the grocer will pay for them; it's "free" advertising.
Be the only sporting goods store that gives away "free" sunglasses with a $20 purchase.
Be the only contractor in town that does triple-pane windows.
Be the only restaurant in town that feeds the high-school football team.
Be the only grocery store in town that sells buffalo steaks (or some other exotic meat).
Be the only bookstore in town with a great selection of books-on-tape.
Be the only realtor in town that knows how to decorate, plant, wallpaper, or do something else in a house.
Be the only car lot in town that gives away defensive driving training with a purchase.
Be the only carpet cleaner that knows all about air filters.
Be the only store that keeps the Dow-Jones index and latest sports scores running on a marquee.
Be the only plumber in town that installs toilet bowl fresheners with every service call. Be the only _____in town that is "authorized" to service a ___________.
"Me too" isn't enough. Grab a unique product, habit or added value. Get identified with it, and people who do business with you will be more likely to recommend you (by bragging about how smart they are) to others.
Daniel Wadleigh is a nationally published marketing consultant and has programs for start-up and existing businesses including effective web sites, e-mail/database, other non-internet ways to drive them to your website, and low cost ways to get more new customers.
Go to: to get free copy of "Marketing to Men vs. Women- the 8 different responses" and a Free copy of "Market Research- 7 Questions to Ask to Start-up and 7 to Ask to Improve Any Business."

Marketing "Uniqueness"

In order to help you develop an image, or to enhance your "added value" in a product or service, look for a unique attribute on which to capitalize. The theory says, "You can't get this special from anyone but me, and not having it will cost you!" Obviously you don't want to use those exact words, they convey the concept.
There was a survey done by a Spanish newspaper for restaurants. They wanted to determine what was the major factor that caused patrons to frequent any particular restaurant. Two thirds of the respondees said that "they liked to eat where they could find something, a dish or sauce, that they could not create at home." Unique sells!
Be the only hamburger stand in town that has discount coupons for desserts at the grocery store - the grocer will pay for them; it's "free" advertising.
Be the only sporting goods store that gives away "free" sunglasses with a $20 purchase.
Be the only contractor in town that does triple-pane windows.
Be the only restaurant in town that feeds the high-school football team.
Be the only grocery store in town that sells buffalo steaks (or some other exotic meat).
Be the only bookstore in town with a great selection of books-on-tape.
Be the only realtor in town that knows how to decorate, plant, wallpaper, or do something else in a house.
Be the only car lot in town that gives away defensive driving training with a purchase.
Be the only carpet cleaner that knows all about air filters.
Be the only store that keeps the Dow-Jones index and latest sports scores running on a marquee.
Be the only plumber in town that installs toilet bowl fresheners with every service call. Be the only _____in town that is "authorized" to service a ___________.
"Me too" isn't enough. Grab a unique product, habit or added value. Get identified with it, and people who do business with you will be more likely to recommend you (by bragging about how smart they are) to others.
Daniel Wadleigh is a nationally published marketing consultant and has programs for start-up and existing businesses including effective web sites, e-mail/database, other non-internet ways to drive them to your website, and low cost ways to get more new customers.
Go to: to get free copy of "Marketing to Men vs. Women- the 8 different responses" and a Free copy of "Market Research- 7 Questions to Ask to Start-up and 7 to Ask to Improve Any Business."

50 Great Ways to Motivate and Not Break the Bank

Quick, Easy, and Even Fun!

1. Smile, say "Hi! How are you doing today?"
2. Regularly invite someone to join you for coffee.
3. Send them flowers, chocolate, a bunch of balloons.
4. Provide a group lunch---pizza, six-foot sub, barbecue.
5. Write someone a thank-you note and put a copy in his/her file.
6. Hand out coupons for an extra 30 minutes for lunch.
7. Make a donation to their favorite charity in their name.
8. Give out tickets to a movie/play/cultural/sporting event.
9. Celebrate achievements with bulletin boards, videos, E-mail.
10. Catch and recognize someone doing something right, not wrong.
11. Write a letter of appreciation to their family.
12. Bake a batch of cookies for someone or for the team.
13. Give limited time off, with pay, when things are slow.
14. Bring a camera to work, get candid shots and post on a humor board.
15. Go to the movies. During lunch or breaks, run a funny movie or TV show.
16. Ask about their interests, family, or weekend activities.
17. Send a company T-shirt or hat to the employee's child(ren).
18. Walk around with free lunch coupons. Hand out on the spot.
19. Recognize special accomplishments publicly in meetings or celebrations.
20. Hand out life savers, M&M's, tootsie roll pops, or other appreciation snacks.
21. Get candid shots of people doing good work. Post photos on bulletin boards.
22. Take out an advertisement in a local paper and include their names and pictures.
23. Allow flexible work time so they can participate in outside work-related activities.
24. Have special days. Hold an "ugly tie" or "ugly sweater" day. Award joke prizes for the winners.
25. Give them a surprise for their work area---a desk organizer, a picture or poster, a new mouse pad.

Communication and Involvement

26. Listen 80% of the time and talk 20%.
27. Actively make a point to speak to all staff each day.
28. Ask them, "What am I doing that gets in your way?"
29. Ask them, "What can I do to help you with your job?"
30. Give information to staff after management meetings.
31. Let them attend a meeting in your place.
32. Sponsor membership in a professional group.
33. Give a subscription to a work-related periodical.
34. Let them "sit-in" with an upper level person for part of a day.
35. Rotate jobs so people can gain new skills and get cross-trained.
36. Arrange for the boss to acknowledge good work.
37. Go to your staff's work area. Meet them on their turf.
38. Promote individual / team training with time and budget.
39. Provide quarterly updates on relevant business and customer issues.
40. Allow them to exchange positions with someone else in the company for a half-day.
41. Ask staff what rumors they have heard, and address them.
42. Represent reality as it is---people don't like being fooled or surprised.
43. Involve them in a special project that allows for company exposure and visibility.
44. Ask for their opinions and listen. Many times they have a better "take" of the situation.
45. Get into the "trenches" with your staff. Learn about their jobs-- the good's and the bad's.
46. Ask staff, "What's not working, why is it not working and what can be done to fix it?"
47. Ask staff, "What is making our clients/customers the most and/or the least satisfied."
48. Have a suggestion system - rewards for ideas that actually reduced costs or improved processes.
49. Make them feel part of the team. Help them to move from "It's not my job," to "Let's do it."
50. Finally, provide more appreciative feedback - good stuff coming more often than the bad stuff.

Pick and choose the ones that "fit" your people, your company and your budget. Remember what is one person's carrot is another's "yucky" orange vegtable.
Marcia Zidle, the 'people smarts' coach, works with business leaders to quickly solve their people management headaches so they can concentrate on their #1 job ญ to grow and increase profits. She offers free help through Leadership Briefing, a weekly e-newsletter with practical tips on leadership style, employee motivation, recruitment and retention and relationship management. Subscribe by going to and get the bonus report "61 Leadership Time Savers and Life Savers". Marcia is the author of the What Really Works Handbooks ญ resources for managers on the front line and the Power-by-the-Hour programs ญ fast, convenient, real life, affordable courses for leadership and staff development. She is available for media interviews, conference presentations and panel discussions on the hottest issues affecting the workplace today. Contact Marcia at 800-971-7619.

Marketing and Advertising Techniques of Super Bowl Advertisers

Each year, advertisers with super sized budgets sink millions of dollars into Super Bowl advertising. While most of us do not have a large enough budget to advertise on the Super Bowl, the commercials -- both past and present -- demonstrate several marketing techniques we can apply elsewhere.
Here are some lessons for us all, as demonstrated by Super Bowl advertisers:
Make Advertisements Entertaining
The primary focus of Super Bowl advertisements is usually entertainment. After the fact, discussion and analysis revolve around how amusing or interesting the commercials were. Little or no mention, however, is made of how effective they were in advertising the product.
I love an entertaining commercial as well as the next person, but entertainment value can be a two-edged sword. Sometimes, the creators get so caught up in the entertainment aspect they forget the ultimate goal -- to sell more product.
To me, the advertisers guiltiest of forgetting to sell are those that give no branding clue until the very end. People come away thinking how cute, funny, or otherwise entertaining the advertisement, but with little or no idea of the actual product.
There are, however, ways to entertain while communicating your brand throughout the commercial. Remember the frogs -- Bud, Weis, and Er? Total entertainment, yet who didn't know it was a Budweiser commercial?
You can do the same with your own marketing. Whatever form of entertainment you choose -- games, performances, contests, etc. -- remember to simultaneously reinforce your brand or business. A couple of ideas: (1) display your logo prominently and (2) give premiums, coupons, or other discounts to participants.
Gain Celebrity Endorsements
Celebrity endorsements are frequent in Super Bowl advertisements. Past and present endorsements include Coke's Mean Joe Green (1980), McDonald's Larry Bird and Michael Jordan (1993), and MasterCard's Homer Simpson (2004).
Celebrity endorsements are a way to draw initial attention to a product or company, which creates an opportunity to deliver the marketing message. If the celebrity is highly regarded by your target audience, endorsements can also give credibility to a brand.
If you do not have a large enough budget to hire a national celebrity, try redefining "celebrity" by thinking in niche terms. Your "celebrity" could be someone well known in the industry -- one of your customers or suppliers, for example.
Another way to redefine "celebrity" is to think locally. Brainstorm a list of people who are well known locally in certain circles. Your list could include well-regarded business people, minor league sports personalities, and other high-profile citizens. Then, approach your favorites with a proposal. The key is hiring someone known and respected by your target customers.
Demonstrate an Important Product Benefit or Feature
My favorite Super Bowl commercial of all time is the 1998 Tabasco commercial. The commercial shows a man sitting, eating pizza on his front porch. Before each bite he splashes on a liberal dose of Tabasco. A mosquito flies in, bites the guy on the hand, and flies off. A second later, we see the mosquito explode in a mass of flames. Cut to the guy chewing and smiling, Tabasco bottle clearly displayed on screen.
Besides being incredibly entertaining, the commercial demonstrates the product's primary benefit in a way that is simple and straightforward. All the while, very clearly communicating the brand.
There are many ways to demonstrate an important product feature to your audience. Think of other commercials you've seen and adapt the technique to your own budget and situation.
Detergent commercials, for example, often show how the product removes stains better than the competition. You can set up your own comparison and communicate it through print ads, on a Website, or in a retail store.
Target The Audience
Have you noticed an abundance of fast car, junk food, and beverage commercials during the Super Bowl? A major reason for this is targeting. Smart marketers try to get their products seen in places where their target audience hangs out.
It is not too much of a stretch to imagine that folks attracted to testosterone-laden football may also like speedy cars. And if you watch football, you most certainly like to snack during the game. Hence, we see an abundance of junk food, beer, and soda commercials.
When putting together your own marketing programs, try to imagine where your target audience can be found and think of ways you can be seen in those venues. If you are a Virtual Assistant, for example, participating online in small business groups makes much more sense than being seen in sports groups.
Associate Your Brand with a Mascot or Symbol
My favorite commercial from this year's Super Bowl was the donkey that wanted to be a Budweiser Clydesdale. I must confess the Clydesdales are near and dear to my heart (I live less than a mile from Grant's Farm where they breed and raise the Budweiser Clydesdales). I'm pretty sure, though, I'd love this commercial anyway.
Besides telling a cute, heartwarming story, the entire commercial reinforces the connection between the Clydesdales and Budweiser beer. It's a connection that Anheuser Busch has worked hard to establish and maintain over the years. Today, I'm sure most people immediately think "Budweiser" when catching a glimpse of the famous Clydesdales.
So you don't have billions of dollars and decades of time to invest in a mascot? Think smaller.
How about hiring a freelance illustrator or art student to develop a character, then begin using that character at key points of contact with your audience. To name a few, you could use your "mascot" in a logo, on postcards, on your Website, and/or on store signage.
Take these techniques to heart, apply them diligently, and watch your business grow.
About the Author
Bobette Kyle draws upon 12+ years of Marketing/Executive experience, Marketing MBA, and online marketing research in her writing. Bobette is proprietor of the Web Site Marketing Plan Network,, and author of the marketing plan and Web promotion book "How Much For Just the Spider? Strategic Website Marketing For Small Budget Business." ( )
Copyright 2004, Bobette Kyle. All rights reserved.


September, 2003 -- Ski Dazzleยฎ The Chicago Ski Show and Snowboard Expโ„ข is celebrating its 45th year as the Mid-West's largest annual ski and snowboard consumer show. This high profile and exciting fourโ€"day โ€œlifestyle eventโ€ attracts more than 38,000 active and enthusiastic skiers and snowboarders to the Rosemont Convention Complex & The Donald E. Stephens Convention Center.

From professional singles and families, through high school and college students, this show is positioned to be THE annual kick-off of the winter ski & snowboard season in the Chicagoland area.

Ski Dazzleยฎ features over 250 exhibit booth spaces showcasing the core companies of skiing and snowboarding, including reps from over 100 local, national and international winter resorts. There will be ski & snowboard retailers offering โ€œshow specialsโ€, seminars and clinics and a $1,000,000.00 Ski & Snowboard Sale with holiday shopping bargains for all ages.

In addition, multiple entertainment areas and daily events include continuous free ski lessons on the giant Learn to Ski ramp; an Xtreme Film Theater featuring the hottest young ski & snowboard movie producers, a floor to ceiling Climbing Wall presented by the Daily Herald, Search & Rescue Dog Demonstrations, a Free Cross Country Course and equipment to try, plus a Seminar and Celebrity Stage where valuable free prizes, lift tickets and trips can be won, and a personal appearance by legendary filmmaker Warren Miller who will be at the show all four days.


Over 250 exhibitors from the โ€œWorld of Skiing & Snowboardingโ€ await visitors to Ski Dazzleยฎ 2003. Topping the list, resort and travel experts offer money-saving packages and travel bargains for singles and families including reps from over 100 of the top ski and snowboard resorts, properties and services in the U.S.A., Canada and Europe.

Travel & Resorts exhibitors include: Adventures on Skis, Lynx Ski & Golf, Afton Alps, Alpine Valley, Aspen, Snowmass, BC Ski Country- Canada, Big Mountain Resort, Big Sky Lodging, Big Sky Resort, Big Snow Country, Camp Sagawau Nordic, Cascade Mountain, Chestnut Mountain Resort, Christmas Mountain, Colorado Ski Country USA, Crested Butte, Crystal Mountain, Devil's Head Resort, Four Lakes Ski & Snowboard Park, Jackson Hole Chamber of Commerce, Jackson Hole Mt. Resort, Mount Bohemia,, Keweenaw Tourism Council, Killington Ski Resort, Mont Ripley Ski Area and Mont Ste. Anne.

Ski and Snowboard resort experts from Mt. Rose โ€" Lake Tahoe, Norway Mountain, Pine Mountain, Premier Destinations, Quebec Tourism, Red Mountain Resort BC, Resort Quest, Resorts of the Canadian Rockies, Shanty Creek, Ski Alaska, Ski Banff-Lake Louise, Ski Brule, Ski Lake Tahoe, Ski New Mexico, Ski Salt Lake, Ski The UP, Ski Utah, Smugglers Notch Resort, Steamboat, Stowe Mountain, Sundown Mountain, Sunshine Village, Swiss Valley Ski Area, Telluride Ski & Golf Co, The Canyons, Tyrol Basin, Vail Resorts, Valdoro Mountain Lodge, Vermont Ski Association, Villa Olivia Ski Area, Welch Village Ski Area, Whistler & Blackcomb Mountain Resort, Wilmot Mountain, Winter Park Resort, Grand Geneva and the Wisconsin Department of Tourismโ€ฆat last count!

Ski Dazzleยฎ offers visitors their only chance this season to speak directly to so many experts from top ski and snowboard resorts and all under one roof.


Visit the Million-Dollar Ski and Snowboard Sale and Swap, for outstanding pre-Christmas values on all kinds of ski and snowboard equipment and clothing for adults and children. You'll find top quality new and used equipment, fashions and accessories from Midwest specialty ski and snowboard shops. In addition, you'll find super bargains on everything else for sale ... all priced to move and just in time for Holiday shopping! This is a great place to outfit an individual or an entire family at great savings on name brands.

Plus, Chicagoland residents are even invited to bring their good condition used ski and snowboard equipment and place it in the โ€œUsed Equipment Areaโ€ in the Sale. Public Registration of used equipment is located just inside the Rosemont Convention Complex at the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center entrance. There will be a 15% charge ONLY if your item is actually sold at the Million-Dollar Ski and Snowboard Sale and Swap. Complete registration details will be posted online through a special link on The โ€œStuff To Buyโ€ page at


In addition specialty ski and snowboard retailers bring a selection of current season equipment and clothing, plus the greatest advice to help you make your equipment selection for the safest and most enjoyable winter, ever!

It's all under one roof at Ski Dazzleยฎ, so come meet the experts from, Viking Ski Shop, RQ Board Shop, Shred Shack and Zumiez to name a few. They are here to give you expert advice and one-stop shopping convenience for new season merchandise and holiday โ€œShow Specialsโ€.


Visitors to the show have a FREE chance to try their hand (and feet!) on the Daily Herald's 20 foot high rock climbing wall right on the show floor! Offered as another pre-season fitness and conditioning discipline that is also great fun, professionally trained instructors from 3N1 Productions will be on hand to make the climb safe and easy for children, as well as, adults. This is a great โ€œphoto opโ€ so bring your friends, your family and your cameras


XTREME FILM THEATERโ„ข will be hosted by Ski Press Magazine. They will be presenting White Knuckle Extreme Action Sports Videos featuring some of the hottest ski and snowboarding films and previews available. Non-stop action from producers like Warren Miller, Matchstick, Poor Boyz, Exodus, Standard, Jib Tech and more!

Ski Press Magazine will give away DVD's, Videos and Prizes to lucky winners every two hours. If you have to take some of this wild action home, full-length movies and DVDs on Skiing, Snowboarding and Extreme Sports of all kinds will be available for purchase from White Knuckle Extreme - Sports Videos.


The Ski Dazzleยฎ Fireside Chatโ„ข seminar series will be hosted by Ski Dazzleยฎ Co-Producer, Judy Gray and will feature visiting celebrities and experts. These informal seminars offer tips on winter travel bargains, new technology in skiing and snowboarding equipment, backcountry helicopter & adventure tours and even winter photography.

Special guest, award winning filmmaker Warren Miller, will join us for a series of Fireside Chats. Don't miss this chance to meet an incredible legend of skiing who will share humorous stories of his 50 plus years of entertaining skiers and snowboarders around the world.

Ski Press Magazine will be sending two members of their 2003-2004 Ski Equipment Test & Editorial Staff to help answer questions about the latest evaluations of equipment. Marc-Andre Nadeau โ€" Director of the Test Program, and Former Canadian Demo Team Member and 7-year member of the Test Team, Isabelle Sauvauge will share their extensive knowledge at daily seminars.

You can count on ski & snowboard Factory Reps and surprise celebrity guests to stop by the show for a visit. The Fireside Chatโ„ข has featured World & Olympic Champions, Entertainment, Political, and Sports Celebrities.

This is also where we give away thousands of dollars of prizes, including lift tickets, accessories, brand new skis and snowboards, just for audience participation! The Fireside Chatโ„ข is a great chance for attendees to get straight answers about their sport in a relaxed and informal setting at the showโ€ฆAND win incredible prizes!

Schedules and content will be different every day, so check at the show for program updates or log on to the โ€œEventsโ€ page at for up-to-the-minute guest and topic line-up information.


Warren Miller is an expert surfer, sailor of catamarans, ski instructor, author, columnist, humorist, entertainer and all-around nice guy. Warren Miller is famous for bringing the sport of skiing to the big screen. He writes with wit and keen insight about skiing, filmmaking and traveling. โ€œWarren Miller is a combination of Jean-Claude Killy, Robert Redford, Ingmar Bergman, and Woody Allenโ€ says the Los Angeles Times.

He purchased his first still camera at the age of nine, for thirty-five cents, which started a career that will continue well into the next century. In junior high school wood shop, in 1938, he built his first surfboard and that same year he purchased a pair of pine skis with toe straps in a garage sale in Hollywood for two dollars. His roller skates, bicycle, surfboard, and skis allowed him a freedom that has fueled his life-long search and filming of exciting activities, sharing with the world his vision of freedom.

Though he went on to make films on numerous subjects, his name eventually became synonymous with extreme skiing, snow boarding, and windsurfing. The films were chiefly distinguished by their feats of athleticism, their creative camera shots, and of course, the famed Miller humor. For a half-century, the Miller films have introduced audiences to every new aspect of every winter and nearly every summer sport played without a court and without a score -- activities people do on weekends.

Looking back on his long career, Miller remains true to character. "I'm a 14 year-old kid", he reflects, "trapped in a 73 year-old body, and I still don't know what I'm going to do when I grow up."

Warren will be available for photos and autographs of his posters, books and movies at the Warren Miller booth and will also be a featured guest at the Fireside Chat Seminars during Ski Dazzleยฎ.


Our Ski Dazzleยฎ Snow Dog mascot is a remarkable nine-year old, pure white male German Shepherd, named "Sequoia". He โ€œcarries a badgeโ€ and is looking to rescue any skier or snowboarder in distress. This amazing animal is a K9 member of the California Rescue Dogs Association and Canadian Avalanche Rescue Dogs Association and has been trained to locate lost or missing people in challenging terrain and conditions.

In his job, Sequoia rides the chairlifts and is often air-lifted to remote areas by helicopter. He is then lowered and raised by harness in and out of dangerous areas to search for lost hikers, snowboarders and skiers. In his โ€œoff hoursโ€ Sequoia enjoys racing down the ski runs in California following his owner, playing with the kids and adults during Ski School breaks and as a member of the Ski Patrol, joyriding in helicopters and snowcats.

Rick Strasser, who is Sequoia's owner and handler, is a Firefighter and Paramedic for the Barstow Fire Department in Southern California and has been a member of various emergency and rescue services for over twenty years. Strasser, and Sequoia have been instrumental in the safe rescue of hundreds of careless or unlucky hikers, winter sport enthusiasts, lost childrenโ€ฆ and adults.

Sequoia and Rick will be on hand at Ski Dazzleยฎ 2003 to personally meet attendees and together they will demonstrate how these canine โ€œwonder dogsโ€ safeguard our lives and quickly capture our hearts. Come meet these local heroes during their personal appearances and daily demonstrations at our Fireside Chatโ„ข Seminar Stage exclusively at Ski Dazzleยฎ โ€" The Chicago Ski Show and Snowboard Expoโ„ข.


Ski Dazzle will be giving free ski lessons on a Giant indoor ski school ramp right at the show! Bring a beginner to the show and professional instructors will give them their first lesson on โ€œthe hillโ€! This is a great way to put a friend or family member on the road to skiing. These free ski ramp lessons include all the necessary equipment and professional instruction.

In addition, Camp Sagawau Nordic will have a custom XC course set up and will provide all equipment, giving FREE XC lessons to all ages and abilities, right at the show. They will also be awarding prizes of 2 for 1 lift passes and use of equipment.


$15,000.00 of prizes have been donated from Snow Industry Equipment Reps, Ski Dazzleยฎ Exhibitors and Resorts. These will be awarded in hourly event drawings for free lift tickets, free skis, free snowboards, trips and accessories offering lots of ways to win and will add to the fun throughout the four days of Ski Dazzleยฎ 2003.


You can save time and avoid lines at the show. Buy your Regular Admission tickets or Children's tickets on-line at and print them right from your own computer with our secure on-line ordering software.


Ski Dazzleยฎ 2003, at the Rosemont Convention Center Complex is the most important ski or snowboard trip you will make this season. It's all under one roof, at the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center and features the latest winter travel bargains plus expert advice you can't get anywhere else.

There will be ski and snowboard experts from equipment to resorts; ski and snowboard celebrities; money-saving tips; loads of family entertainment; plus holiday bargains galore from the $1,000,000.00 Ski and Snowboard Saleโ€ฆit's no wonder Ski Dazzleยฎ 2003 - The Chicago Ski Show and Snowboard Expoโ„ข is called, โ€œA Party with A Purposeโ„ขโ€ by both exhibitors and attendees alike.


Updates and details, including a new โ€œon-line ticketing optionโ€, show hours, Ski Dazzleยฎ exhibitor list and hot links, features, seminar schedules, celebrities, driving directions and entertainment schedules, are available on the Internet at


Copyright 2003 โ€" Ski Dazzle LLC

Ski Dazzleยฎ and The Chicago Ski Show & Snowboard Expoโ„ข are registered trademarks of Ski Dazzle LLC

All schedules, appearances, times and events are subject to change but were confirmed

at the time of printing this news release.


Ski Dazzleยฎ 2003 โ€ข The Chicago Ski Show & Snowboard Expoโ„ข

45th Anniversary of The Mid-West's Largest Consumer Ski & Snowboard Show

Rosemont Convention Complex

Donald E. Stephens Convention Center

5555 N. River Road

(Near Junction of the I-294 & I-190)


Adjacent to O'Hare International Airport.

Rosemont, Illinois 60018

(847) 692-2222 Info Line

4 DAYS ONLY! November 06 - 09, 2003

Nov. 06
4:00 pm
- 10:00 pm

Nov. 07
4:00 pm
- 10:00 pm

Nov. 08
11:00 am - 10:00 pm

Nov. 09
11:00 am - 5:00 pm

$ 8.00


$ 6.00

Discount Coupons available from participating Ski & Snowboard Shops while supplies last.

$ 3.00

Children 6 โ€" 12 years


Children 5 and Under




Secure Server with On-Line Ticketing & Printing right from your computer


For updates on Ski Dazzleยฎ events, driving directions and exhibitor hot links.

Anniversary Gift for Him

Its time for that special day and you're trying and failing to come up with an idea for an anniversary gift for him. What do you do? You can't give him another cologne set and he's all ready got too many ties, besides all the sport equipment he needs for decades to come. Take a breather. This year indeed seems to be destined to provide a unique anniversary gift for your man.
Think for a few minutes about him. He must have mentioned an interest in something that struck in that past two or three months or perhaps he's got something minor that has been bothering him. Does he stand all day on the job? You could make up special coupons to give him foot massages when he gets home feeling sore from work. Be sure to throw in some fragrant lotions to rub in while your at it. Guys like to be pampered they just don't want to admit it.
He may have an interest in reading. Does he have any favorite authors? You could get a signed copy of one of his favorite titles or if he likes older books you could go to a specialty shop and get an old edition of something like Jules Vernes, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.
Sports fanatics may all ready have all the sports equipment that they need and may even have season tickets to several venues, but there is always something that they don't have or haven't thought of. Is there a way you could get a signed photo of one of his favorite players? You may have to start looking months in advance for this one. The best place to start would be sending a fan letter requesting a signed photo or baseball/basketball/etc. Card of the player. You should make it as easy as possible for the signer, by sending the photo or card and an SASE with the address and stamps all ready on it. If you don't get a response or have a reply in the negative you can start looking around online or in sports shops, this may cost more money and carries a risk of buying something that is fake. Be sure to check that the signature comes with some sort of documentation, such as a photo or an expert's appraisal in this case.
Mrs. Party... Gail Leino is the internet's leading authority on selecting the best possible party supplies, using proper etiquette and manners while also teaching organizational skills and fun facts. Engraved Anniversary Gifts can help fulfill your idea of a perfect present for your spouse.